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“Yeah, she told us she was going to go help a friend who’d been hurt in a car accident, is she here?”

“Is who here?” Joan asked coming over.

“Gabby,” Melanie said with a laugh. “I can’t believe you haven’t called her and made her come home.”

“Gabby doesn’t listen to me,” Wyatt told her.

“And where exactly do you think Gabby is?” Joan questioned Melanie.

“She said she was going to take care of a friend who’d been hurt…why?” she said getting suspicious.

“Oh I don’t know Wyatt, why would I be questioning where Gabby claimed she was going,” Joan stated crossing her arms and staring at him.

“Joan I don’t think this is the right time to discuss this,” Wyatt said.

“Why not big brother? After all, Gabby’s not here but you are,” she told him.

“What am I missing?” Melanie asked.

“Whatisshe missing?” Joan goaded. “What is everyone around here missing, other than Gabby herself?”

“Gabby left me,” Wyatt stated. “Is that what you wanted Joan? For the whole world to know that my wife left me?”

“I want my sister-in-law and my niece or nephew to-be home, that’s what I want. Why should she be the one to be forced to stay away from her family when she needs them more than you do?” Joan asked.

“I didn’t force her to leave town, she did that on her own. Stop blaming me for everything, I can’t control what she does.”

“You and Gabby split up?” Melanie gaped. “What happened? She’s pregnant? Sorry, that’s none of my business.”

“Gabby decided that she can’t forgive me for something and yes she’s pregnant and not thrilled about it because I was an ass,” Wyatt said getting another drink.

“Uh oh,” Vince said, “sounds like someone’s in a deep, deep hole.”

“Someone’s lost his mind,” Paul stated as Rita joined them.

“What’s going on over here?” she asked.

“This guy here’s gone nuts,” he told her. “He wants to tear the prenup up and give Gabby over half his assets, full custody of the baby, and anything else she wants…”

“Now why would that be?” Joan inquired.

“What is your problem Joan?” Wyatt asked. “Suddenly you’re on Gabby’s side?”

“I’ve been on her side from the moment you brought her into this family. She deserved better than you, and you can’t admit it, can you? No, you have to sit around pretending that you’re an injured party in all of this but you’re not. That’s Gabby, she’s the one who was used, who was hurt, and who had to leave town to get away from you. She was trying to protect her sister and niece from a psychopath who incidentally abducted her and you couldn’t be bothered to figure it out could you? No because you were too busy blaming Gabby for everything that went wrong,” she threw out at him, as the room grew silent. “Youshouldgive her everything, everything you didn’t bother to give her when you married her or during the year she stood by your side pretending night and day that she wasn’t dying inside because you couldn’t bother to give her the one thing she really needed.”

“I think that’s enough Joan,” Wyatt stated harshly.

“No it’s not Wyatt, you married her but you would only do it if she signed a prenup that left her with nothing…nothing!Who does that? And don’t tell me I already know because that’s bullshit brother dear.”

“I saidenoughJoan! I don’t need it heaped upon my head yet again that I was an ass to Gabby all right. I know I screwed up I don’t need a constant reminder fromyou. I get it every night when I go home to an empty house and know she won’t be walking through the door anytime soon. I’ve been reminded of it day in and day out for the last twomonths.”

“Then what the hell are you going to do about it?” she asked him. “You can’t just sit around and pretend that she’s going to voluntarily come back into your life.”

“Why not?” Rita said glancing up.

“If you knew how he’d treated Gabby you’d know she’d never walk back into his life,” Joan told her.

“Really? Never you think?” she said.
