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“What is this? Are you playing devil’s advocate Rita?” Paul asked.

“Just inquiring what he’d say to Gabby if she did walk back into his life,” she said turning to Wyatt. “Would you plead with her to forgive whatever you’d done and beg her to take you back, or would you still want the divorce?”

“I’d give up the company and everything else if it meant Gabby came home,” Wyatt told them. “Pretty insane for a man who has no shot of getting his wife back…”

“What else would you do to get her back?” Melanie inquired lifting an eyebrow.

“Why does it matter? Gabby will never forgive me so there’s no point in discussing what ifs,” he stated knocking back another drink.

“Well I can tell you this much, she’s not going to want you back if you keep on drinking like you are,” Rita admonished.

“Who cares, I’m pretty sure my wife would prefer for me to die, why not by a failed liver?”

“I’d say your wife would prefer for you to not die personally,” Aaron said.

“Ah yes, the great Doctor Jameson…let me guess, you’ve also heard from my wife and are just waiting for the divorce to be finalized before you whisk her away and make her happy the way I haven’t, right?”

“I’ve heard from Gabby, but no I won’t be whisking her away, her sister on the other hand yes,” he said with a smile as Viola returned to his side and sent a glare towards Wyatt.

“What is this? A mini-family reunion?” he asked.

“Minus the member you drove away,” Adam stated.

“Who are you?” Melanie asked as he and Haley appeared on the edge of the group.

“Oh that’s Adam and Haley, Gabby’s half-brother and sister, along with me, Sam, and Nate,” Viola explained. “You remember our parents…that’s Rick, Adam, Haley and Gabby’s father.”

“What?” Rita asked shocked.

“Long story, but I think we’re all handling it pretty well,” she said.

“Nice to see you again Wyatt,” Adam said, “wish I were seeing my baby sister instead.”

“Ah yes, blame me for Gabby running away,” Wyatt stated. “Always is my fault, isn’t it?”

“This time yeah,” Joan said. “Why the hell didn’t you tell her you love her?”

“I’m sure that wouldn’t have helped,” Melanie said.

“You’d be surprised what it would have helped,” Haley said.

“So anyone else want to join and tell me how much I’d screwed up?” Wyatt inquired.

“Yeah, me,” someone behind him said and he flipped around spilling the rest of his drink over the counter of the bar.

“I must be drunker than I thought,” he laughed, “because I swore I just heard my runaway wife speak…”

“You did,” Gabby stated moving gently through the crowd hugging her family as she went over to stand next to her husband. Hating that she’d missed him so badly—at least until now. Seeing him, what this was doing to him as well…made it better because it was the same as her.

“And what do I owe this surprise to? Let me guess, you need money?” he stated.

“I think we’ve firmly established that I don’t give a damn about your stupid money Wyatt,” she said. “But if you think I’m going to stand around and listen to you bring it all up yet again you’re wrong. I came back because there was something I didn’t say to you that night, and I need to.”

“I know what it was so let me try it out huh? I’m a selfish bastard who doesn’t care about anyone but himself and you can’t stand the sight of me. You only married me because you were forced to and now you want out…how did I do Gabby?”

“Miserably,” she told him. She took a step closer, looked directly into his eyes before reaching for a bottle of water, and dumped it over his head.

“What the hell was that for?” he yelled.
