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“Why let me save face, Gabby? You can’t stand me.”

“No but I do happen to like your parents and your sister,” she admitted.

“Plus it keeps you from having to face the truth, from letting them know what you’ve done to them. You’re covering your own ass, aren’t you?”

“Maybe I am, at least this prison has a decent shower and the outfits are much nicer. Yeah, I’m covering my own ass…yours too. What would they say about you if you told them the truth? Would they be madder at you or me?”

“Me, they think you walk on water,” he laughed. “Think you can pull off the idea of a miscarriage?”

“I’ve done a pretty good job of pretending in public that I thinkyouwalk on water when the truth of the matter is I can’t stand you and wish you’d rot in hell for all eternity,” she stated.

“Until last week and then today,” he agreed.

“Last week was your fault Wyatt, you come in and start an argument with me moments before our guests are supposed to arrive, and today…it’s just another example of you making a mess of my life.”

“Me? You messed up your life as well as mine when you started stealing money from my company. Why should I let you off the hook any?”

“Because if you don’t it’ll be you your parents go after, not me,” she said. “Besides they’ll think you were incredibly supportive when you found out plus when they see how much better I am now that you’re home and we’ve spoken they’ll never doubt our relationship. Isn’t that what we want?”

“Alright, we’ll play it your way,” he stated. “Should we give it some more time or have we sufficiently passed over the time restraints?”

“I think we should be good,” she told him. “Let’s get this over with.”

He led her down the stairs and his parents turned at their approach.

“Oh Gabby,” Caroline said rushing over to her. “Are you okay?”

“Give her some space Mom,” Wyatt said as his father joined them hugging her once Caroline had released her.

“What’d I miss?” Joan asked coming into the room.

“Nothing yet,” Gabby said. “Why don’t we sit down?”

“Alright,” Isaac said ushering his daughter towards the couch letting Wyatt and Gabby have the other.

“First of all, I should apologize for upsetting you earlier…I know you’re probably thinking you should be apologizing for that but I shouldn’t have locked myself in the bedroom,” Gabby began. She paused to draw in a breath before she launched into her story. “Caroline, my reaction to your question…it wasn’t fair to not explain it to you but I needed to tell Wyatt first. I had gotten a note that a new message had been added to my class’ board from high school…we keep in touch, let each other know what’s going on in our lives…and I was checking it when you asked me. One of the posts was about a girl that I haven’t seen or thought of in years. She’d passed away and that combined with your question after everything that’d happened…I couldn’t deal. I know you thought the reason we got married so quickly was because I was pregnant, but I wasn’t…at least not then. About six weeks ago, I realized I was, please don’t get so excited…it was early and I hadn’t told anyone about it. I was out shopping when it happened,” she added stopping to close her eyes and take in a shaky breath.

“Gabby, I’m so sorry honey,” Caroline stated coming over to wrap her arms around her.

“I didn’t expect to break down like that…and when I did I knew I had to tell Wyatt first.”

“I’m sorry Gabby,” Joan said. “I guess I owe you an apology Wyatt.”

“Its fine Joan, right now though I think what Gabby and I need is to have some time together, alone. I appreciate you all being so concerned about Gabby, though I could have done without the accusations that I did something stupid or was mean to her or whatever you all were thinking earlier. I should have answered but I was in a meeting at the time. I won’t make that mistake again,” Wyatt said with a warning look to them to not press her any further.

Thankfully, after a few more hugs and promises to call if they needed anything they were left alone.

“Impressive,” Wyatt stated with a wry grin.

“Told you it’d work,” she said. “I don’t think they’ll bother us for a while. No one will begin to question us if there’s a bit of frisson, it happens all the time.”

“Always have a plan don’t you Gabby?” he asked and she simply smiled, confirming his suspicions. “Where’s my money Gabby?”

“Somewhere only I know,” she laughed. “Keep me happy and maybe, justmaybe, I’ll tell you…that is if I haven’t spent it all already.”

Chapter 4

Two months passed without any incidents until the night she came home with the bruise. She’d been stupid and attempted to change her own tire, the jack had slipped pushing her off balance, and she’d smacked her face into the side of her car—at least that was the lie she was going to use. She knew there’d be a huge hoopla over how she got the bruise and she didn’t want to admit her stupidity. She’d thought about staging an accident but fate intervened. When she got home it was to find half a dozen police officers in their living room and her entire family, blood and not, pacing the floor.
