Page 1 of The Rook

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Ten Years Ago…

I thrashed as I grabbed for my sister. "Lenora. Lenora, I don't want to go."

Even though she was stronger than me, my sister’s hands were too slick to hold on to.

Miss Theresa and Miss Mary tried to pull us apart, but Miss Mary earned an elbow in the gut for her efforts. Miss Theresa kept trying, but I was wiggly and small. I didn't want to go with the man, but Miss Theresa said there was paperwork that proved he was my father.

I didn't know what it meant. All I knew was that they expected me to leave Lenora behind. My sister.

The only person on earth I had left. I wasn't going to do it.

Miss Theresa had always been nice. She would sneak me extra cookies for dessert sometimes. But she was not as nice to Lenora. She always said Lenora was difficult, and I was the easy one. I hated being called the easy one.

I didn't care what they said, I was not leaving her. Not today. Not ever.

My head thrashed against Miss Theresa's hold, and my braids flew around my face. "Let me go. I want my sister."

Miss Theresa crooned in my ear. "Hush now, Nissa. Mr. Montgomery is waiting."

"He has to take us both. We're sisters. He can't split us up. You said we wouldn't be split up."

Finally, Miss Theresa realized that trying to pull me back and wrapping her arms around me was just a recipe for disaster. So she secured my arms against my side, and knelt in front of me, blocking out Lenora, who was pounding her back with her fists. But then Miss Mary had Lenora again, and this time, she had her in a bear hug so my sister couldn't break free. "Listen to me, Nissa. I'm so sorry. He said that he'll arrange for you to still see Lenora, okay? But he's got the blood and paternity tests. There's nothing I can do."

I shook my head. "I will run away. Every single day, I will run away."

A deep voice rang from the hallway. "Well, you can try. But you're my daughter, Nissa. I'll find you and bring you back home because I want to keep you safe. I didn't know about you before, but now that I do, I can't leave you here."

A chill ran up my spine, and I glowered at him, sending him a mutinous look. In Miss Mary's arms, Lenora howled and screeched, bucked and fought. And instead of lunging at Miss Theresa, she lunged at the man, kicking and wailing. He held her off easily and then knelt, keeping a firm hold on her. "I'm so sorry. I wouldn't split you up, but she's my daughter. I need her with me."

I was still glowering at him. "You let my sister go. I hate you."

His expression was soft when he looked at me with icy blue eyes. There was no warmth in them. But his voice was low, and at least it was kind. "I'm sorry this hurts you. I'm sorry your mother didn't explain. And I'm sorry I have to split you up. But get your things, Nissa. You're coming home with me."

When he released Lenora, I could see the defeat in the slump of her shoulders, and my suddenly larger-than-life sister broke. "Lenora, no. Don't cry, Lenora."

She lifted her gaze to me, her eyes filled with tears. "You have to go with him, Nissa."

I shook my head. "I’ll run away every single day."

And then my sister crawled over to me. Miss Theresa moved aside, giving her room to talk to me. Lenora sniffled, her hands still slick with sweat, tears tracking down her brown face over her cheeks. "I love you. Don't run away, okay? He said that he will let us see each other. He's your dad."

"No, our dad died with mum."

She squared her shoulders. "You heard him. My dad isn't your dad. You have to go."

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving you."

"You have to. I love you. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Julian Montgomery took my hand firmly and tugged me behind him. And all I could do was turn back and watch my sister, her image getting smaller and smaller until the door was finally closed.


