Page 101 of The Rook

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My body knew what I wanted. My clit pulsed, begging for more contact, begging him to touch me again, anywhere.

“Westin…” Again, my voice was too breathy. “I need…” my voice trailed.

I couldn't even say what I needed. I just yearned for Westin's touch again. Needed him to make me fly. Help me forget even for a few moments.

“I know what you want. I know what I see in front of me.”

I stared up at him, registering just how close he was, and it made my throat dry as I squeaked out, "What is it you see?"

"The woman I want so damn much to kiss. The beauty who's hiding from herself by denying exactly what she is desperate for, but won't say the words. But I'm not going to kiss her unless she asks."

When his tongue peeked out to moisten his bottom lip, I groaned low. "That's hardly fair."

"That's the way it goes. You need to say the words."


"Yes, Nissa?"

"Kiss me, please."

His mouth was hot, insistent, commanding. His tongue slid into my mouth and over mine like its sole mission was to drive me mad. His body pinned mine against the counter, and I struggled to catch my breath.

His large hands fisted my hair, tugging enough to make me pant but not enough to hurt. Both hands dug in as he angled my head and pressed his body tighter against mine.

Westin dragged his lips off mine just enough to whisper against them, “Is this what you wanted? To drive me bloody mad? You want to feel my cock between your thighs again? You want me to make you come? Will that help you sleep?”

Oh God, he knew exactly what I wanted. What I needed. “Yes.”

“Yes what, Beauty?”

I glowered up at him mutinously as he held his lips a hair’s breadth away from mine. “Yes, I want all of what you say I need because I bloody well do.” I ground out. I didn't just want it. I needed it. The phantom pulsing between my thighs had become like a daily torture.

“Good girl.”

His lips were back with an onslaught against mine. Every slide and stroke of his tongue caused a shiver to tear up my back. My nails scored over the bare flesh of his back, and he hissed in my ear. “Somebody's impatient.”

I was impatient. This was the restless feeling I'd been chasing since the first time I was in his arms. This high. This bliss couldn't be found anywhere else but with him. My Westin.

He nipped at my neck and I arched to give better access to his meanderings across my body. While he nipped at the sensitive flesh just below my ear, his hands snaked under my tank to stroke over my ribs with his thumb. Eventually he grazed the sensitive underside of my breast, and I tried to arch into him, showing my approval of his ministrations.

When is palm finally grasped tightly around my breast, thumb sliding over my nipple, I cried out. “Oh God.”

I rocked my hips, trying to get leverage, and when my center lined up so his cock fit snugly between my lips, all I heard was his low murmured, “Fuuuuuuck.”

But then he suddenly released me, and I whimpered my frustration. “Westin.”

With a murmured hush he turned me around so I was facing the counter. He leaned down, his lips against the shell of my ear as he said, “Bend over.”

I did as I was told, my breath coming in ragged pants now. One hand slid up under my tank again, pumping my breast, and he whispered again, “You are so unbelievably beautiful from every angle.”

His words were so soft I wasn't sure I'd heard them. His hold eased into something gentler, more seductive, less desperate. With his other hand he slid into the waistband of my pajamas, past my knickers. The moment his fingers met with my slick heat, he dropped his head and bit my shoulder.

“Fuck me Nissa. You're so goddamn wet.”

Against my arse I could feel the steely length of his cock pulsing, begging for entry.

He slid the tip of one finger inside me, and I heard his breath catch. His hips rolled into my arse and I waited for him to tug down my pajamas and fuck me here against the counter.
