Page 105 of The Rook

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The other man shook his head. "Until you produce proof, we cannot interfere."

Igno laughed. "I don't need interference. I can handle Montgomery all by myself."

My father sneered at him. "You have no leverage here. You heard Sono."

Igno's gaze remained impassive. As they were arguing, I fiddled with my clutch, pulling out one of the bugs I'd been given by Amelia. She'd given them to me with the glasses saying if there was a chance for me to bug the conversation, I had to do it.

My heart felt like it was beating in my ears as I nervously glanced around the room. I dared not breathe, terrified of the consequences of my actions, yet I had to do it. Sweat prickled my skin as I plunged my hand into my purse and grabbed hold of a tissue, pretending to wipe away an imaginary tear. Digging further in, I manage to bury my fingertips deep enough to find the bugs, and with quiet precision, I peeled one off with my nails and released it from its prison before drawing my hand out, gripping the edge of the desk, and depositing the bug.

I was sweating. I had to be sweating, but no one seemed to notice.

Igno stepped to my father. "Where is my ledger?"

Julian shrugged. "I don't know. All of our necks are on the line unless you find it, so I do hope you think of where you might have put it."

As Igno was talking and I was trying desperately to catch everything being said, an explosion rocked the house. Through the window across the courtyard, I could see it on the west wing. My heart almost stopped. What the hell was going on? Amelia had said nothing about explosions.

My father pointed a menacing finger at Igno. "You did this. There are people looking for you. And this is what you reap when you're careless."

Igno glowered at him. "This isn't me. If it's law enforcement, I think maybe Montgomery here has been talking a little too much… as he's known for doing."

My father shoved him just as another explosion hit. When he turned to me, his eyes were wild. And then it was as if he suddenly realized that I was there. "We're leaving, Nissa."

"What the hell's going on?"

"That man's enemies are coming for him. I don't intend to be here when they arrive." And then my father dragged me out behind him as another explosion rocked the building.


This was a mistake. I'd been uneasy all night. From the outside, this looked like a normal mission. My team was in place, I had everything I needed, and we were moving forward. The problem was I could feel that something wasn't right.

All night, I'd kept my gaze pinned to Nissa and Montgomery. Nissa looked miserable as Montgomery schmoozed and pressed palms. And while he might look comfortable to everyone else, I could see it just there in the tension of his jaw. Something was going on.

Even though I was working and not supposed to be drinking, I needed a way to cover up talking to my team. So I snagged a champagne glass from a passing waiter. Around the rim, I spoke. “Everyone, be on alert. Something's going on. I see a flurry of guards and Montgomery is tense.”

Saff's voice was cool and calm. “Copy. All units prepare to move.”

We had Interpol in play, but our goal was to get to Montgomery first because he would lead us to Igno. And if Igno was here, well, we would do whatever it took to bring him down.

As long as Nissa stays protected.

After all, she was my primary. If after all of this she was in even more danger, I planned to take her somewhere very far away. I knew how to hide. I could show her how. I had done it before, obviously.

Suddenly, Ivan Resnick, a known mercenary, was tapping Julian on the shoulder as he danced with Nissa. He led the way for them. They were headed toward the center staircase. Julian inclined his head for me to follow. We were on.

“Saff are you seeing this?” I muttered under my breath before falling in position.

“I see it. We have your six. King, Legend, Saint fall into position.”

I followed tightly behind Nissa, Resnick on my tail. Whatever the hell was going to go down was going down right now. And I had no way to get Nissa out of the line of fire. At the top of the stairs, Resnick led the way down a long hallway. Our footsteps on the marble floor echoed off the art-lined walls.

At the end of the hall to the right stood an intricately carved wooden door. Resnick opened it, making way for us. Julian went first then Nissa. Before I could follow, Resnick barred my way. “Only them,” he murmured.

I frowned down at his arm, assessing whether it was a smart thing to fight with the door open or wait until it was closed. Either way, I would need to take out Resnick if I wanted to protect Nissa.

In the end, I had to take my team into account. They were on their way. I had tagged Nissa’s phone with the listening device weeks ago. Kaya could hear everything in the room. If we got confirmation, they would move forward. And then I would get myself and Nissa out of there. Post haste.

As soon as the door closed, Resnick smirked at me. “You didn't think the help would be invited to the table did you?”
