Page 11 of The Rook

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I realized then that while I had been taking that happy little stroll down memory lane, my cock was thickening against her belly, and she had eased one of her thighs between my legs. One swift jerk up, and I would be forced to release her. She was giving me a warning.

“Like it or not, Beauty, this is happening. You know your father. He always gets what he wants.”

“Not this time. I'm not the same person. I'm not the moon-eyed girl who thought she was in love. I had no idea what that word even meant. The only thing I feel for you now is disdain and pity.”

“Good. You should feel that. Because I don't feel anything for you anymore.” Liar.

A smiling Nissa Montgomery was a sight to behold. There was a time when I had lived for that smile. The sheer delight in her face and playfulness of her spirit.

But now I recognized it for what it was too late. The crispness of her movement was a thing to be admired. And I would admire it… just as soon as the spreading ache in my groin dissipated.

I had no choice. I released her and sank down. Her move had brought me right to my knees as if I was worshipping her.

Don't you wish you could?

Nissa leaned forward. “If I see you again, I’ll put a bullet in you. Don't you ever come near me again.”



Nine & a Half Years Ago…

Julian was going to kill me. I knew I wasn't supposed to be out on this part of the property. At least not without someone watching.

But I'd heard the water, and I wanted to see it. I liked to go outside when I was upset.

Usually I went to the gardens, but today I had needed to run. Unfortunately, I’d worn my flipflops instead of my trainers, and I’d rolled my ankle on a slick spot near the brook. I sat still, wrapping my arms around my legs, afraid to look down at the ankle because something warm and sticky was sliding down my foot.

Well done, Nissa. Now stop crying and get up.

I could almost hear my father berating me.

Your fake father.

I tried to shove aside the thought. He had documentation and everything. He was my father and I had to deal with it.

Except at times like this when I was sad, or upset, or worried, I thought about my other father. The one who smiled all the time and tickled me and my sister Lenora. He’d chase us around the house, pretending that he was a monster coming to eat children.

When he caught us, he would snuffle our necks and tickle us until we squealed. Or until my mum got in on the fun and insisted that we were her children to eat. And then the chase would be on again.

If I was being honest with myself, my tears were for them. The more I asked Julian to see my sister, the angrier he got. But that had been our deal. He’d said if I’d come along with him without a fuss that I could see her as often as I wanted. But I hadn't seen her. Not once. I'd written lots of letters. And at first, she had written me too. And then the letters stopped. Just like that, and I had no idea why.

Two months ago, I’d tried to go and find out what happened to her and why she’d stopped writing. I'd made it as far as the northern boundary of the property before one of Julian Montgomery's men found me.

Two months later, I actually made it all the way to London before he caught me. My third attempt was made a couple of weeks ago. And to be fair, it wasn't really my fault. Julian had taken me in for a doctor's appointment, and I had simply wandered away on the Tube toward the group home in North London. I'd almost gotten there too. But three roads away, a car had pulled up and out stepped my supposed father.

He'd stuck an Apple watch on me then and told me if I took it off I wouldn't be allowed to leave the property. And every time I took it off, I was sequestered. I'd stopped running then.

A voice startled me. "Are you okay?"

There was a boy standing above me on one of the boulders, looking down. He was lanky, with light sandy brown hair. It probably went blond in the summertime. He came a little closer, and self-preservation made me scooch back. "Who are you? My father has men watching this whole property."

He smirked down at me. "Ah, you must be Nissa."

I frowned. "Who are you? And why do you know my name?"

"I know your name because your father told me. And he told me to stay away from you."
