Page 123 of The Rook

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The thief leafed through the contents of the file then dropped the folder, the contents spilling on the floor. Surprised, I stared at the photo of me and Montgomery the night he’d sent me running away.

He’d been recording me. Fuck.

The thief picked up a flash drive that had fallen out with the rest of the papers and went straight to the computer. Something in my gut told me this was not going to end well. A couple of clicks and Julian’s voice came over the speaker. “If you want to live, all you have to do is eliminate her sister, Lenora. It's really very simple. Your life, and let's face it Mrs. Pembry's life, for one girl. You kill her, you get to come back home.”

And what was worse was what I said next.

“Okay, I'll do it. But you can never tell Nissa.”

“It'll be our little secret.”

Sweat popped on my brow. No, no, no. That was all out of context.

Context or not, that conversation did happen. How long had he been keeping that recording a secret? And when was he going to use it against me with Nissa?

A light blinded me as the perpetrator shone his flashlight in my face. I reached for my Taser, but he crouched and launched at me.

This was no man, it was a woman. My heart tried to burst out of my chest and my stomach cramped. "Oh fuck, Nissa? Nissa, stop."

But she didn't stop. Punches were aimed at my face. One of them landed, clipping my cheekbone as I tried to block her shots.

I tried to gain a hold on her without hurting her, but her knee came up, getting me square in the gut. A grunt escaped my lips and I rolled over. When she tried to drop down for an elbow at the back of my neck, I twirled around and caught her by the waist as she flailed, her legs kicking out.

"Nissa, listen to me, whatever you think—"

She managed to jab her elbow between us, creating a space that allowed her an open-palmed shot straight to my dick. I coughed and immediately released her. "Fuck."

She ripped off the mask she had over her head. "I fucking trusted you, and you killed her. All this time you've been pretending. You're worse than my fucking father. Luckily for me, he keeps meticulous records. What did you do to her?"

I cupped my groin, face planted in the carpet as I waited out the wave of nausea. "It’s not what you think, Nissa. I wouldn’t—"

"She was my sister, you piece of shit."

And suddenly, from behind her back, I heard the unmistakable click of a safety. I turned around to see Nissa pointing a gun at me. "Nissa, you’d fucking shoot me?"


He studied me closely. "What are you doing, Nissa?"

"I asked first, Westin. You promised there would be no more secrets."

His gaze flickered to the window. "Nissa, we don't have time for this. Igno is going to notice that neither one of us is in bed any moment, and he's going to come looking. And then he's going to do something to your father, so let's just go."

"We’re not going anywhere until I have answers." I steadied my grip on the gun, and he swallowed hard, hands up.

"Okay, okay, I hear you. We don't have to move. Listen, I'll do what you want, okay? Just relax."

"You are a liar."

"Yes, I am. I'm a trained liar. I had to be. It's called survival. But there are things I haven't lied to you about. One of them being that I love you, and you know that."

"How am I supposed to believe you when you say that?"

"Because it's true. And you can feel it. I know you can."

I shook my head. "I don't know what I feel anymore."

"Nissa, listen to me, I get it. You don't trust what you're feeling, and you're upset. I understand. But listen to your heart, okay? Just listen to your fucking heart."
