Page 129 of The Rook

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Gabe laughed. "Have a look around, mate. She’s in this up to her eyeballs. And isn't she the one who snatched the ledger out right from under you? She's involved. So we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. When it comes to Nissa Montgomery, my feeling is, you probably want to do this easy."

I sighed. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as you're dressed."

"Well, I suppose I should be happy you waited until I was awake. How do you think this is going to go?"

"In an ideal world, you'll walk out of there with the ledger and the cipher. They see sense. They back off. We grab Igno."

I laughed. "You can't be that naive."

Gabe chuckled again. "Oh, I promise you, I'm not. I said in an ideal world. The most likely scenario is they'll want us all to go after Igno together. And you and your girlfriend are going to play nice."

I frowned. "She's not going to want anything to do with me."

He laughed. "Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure you can be very convincing if you need to be."


Gabe checked my vest. "Are you sure you can do this?"

"Yeah. I’ve got this." It was a lie. Just the pain meds talking.

"Are you sure she's going to be there?"

I rolled my eyes. "She'll be there. We have history. Just make sure that we're clear. No one else goes in or out."

Gabe shrugged. "Your funeral."

"Hopefully, it doesn't come to that."

I didn't know what kind of contacts he’d had to pull to let us have access to the library, but it was a nice neutral spot with plenty of exit points. Tonight, was about reaching a truce. We both wanted the same thing… to bring Antonio Igno down. When I passed Saint and Lock, they both gave me a nod and then grinned.

"Stop looking at me like I'm on my way to my funeral, team. I got this."

Saff frowned. "You seem sure, but don’t forget she's unpredictable."

"To you, maybe, but I know her. She's mad, but she's not capable of hurting me."

Saint just rolled his eyes. "Mate, have you forgotten she already shot you once? I'm sure she'd be more than happy to do it again. But I'll let you figure it out for yourself."

At the entrance of the library, I put my earpiece in and walked in the front door.

I found Nissa right at the center, near the librarian’s desk, and I raised my hands above my head. "See? I'm unarmed."

She grinned. "I see you have a vest on though. That means you think I might hurt you."

I shrugged. "It wouldn’t be the first time, would it?" My gaze raked over her hungrily. "You're wearing a vest yourself?"

She grinned then, her thick hair cascading down her back when she laughed. "Oh yes, trust but verify. When someone already proves to be a liar, one has to act accordingly."

"How did we get here?"

She shrugged. "You told me you were back to protect me and to help me. I believed you. I trusted you when you said you cared about me. I shouldn't have done that."

"It was the truth, Nissa."

She sucked in a deep breath. "Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, we've got a situation on our hands that we need to resolve."
