Page 13 of The Rook

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He indicated the massive afro puff on top of my head. "No, under the afro, I'm also tall."

He chuckled under his breath. "Come on then, tall girl."

When it became apparent I couldn't walk, we stopped and he frowned. "Okay, looks like I have to give you a piggyback ride."

"Are you sure you can do that?"

"Oh my God, are you always so annoying?"

I huffed. "I'm not annoying. I'm just asking a question. If you feel insulted, that's on you."

"Yes, of course, I can carry you. Come on."

He carried me then, up the incline, around the rocks, and up into the clearing near the massive oak tree. "Here. You can use my shirt, okay? We'll tie it up so that cut stops bleeding."

He sat back, reached behind his head, and pulled his T-shirt off in that way so many boys did. I found the motion goofy, but endearing. And then I watched as his scrawny arms tore his shirt into a nice long strip.

I put my hand out to take it so I could wrap my own ankle, but he shook his head. Gently, he lifted my foot and eased off my flipflop. "You shouldn't have worn these down there."

"I know. I was just upset that Julian wouldn't let me call my sister, and I took off."

"He's a dick. But just because he's a dick doesn't mean you have to be stupid. You have to be careful, okay?"

I didn't like being admonished. But still, he was right. Who knew how long I could have been down there?

"Come on." He tore another strip off the bottom of his T-shirt before slipping it back on, giving him a half tee. My ankle was wrapped, not too tightly but firmly enough that I could put some pressure on it. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem. Mrs. Pembry's cottage isn't far from here. It's about four hundred meters or so. You'll see it right there between the trees. I'm sure she can drive you back up to the house."

"You're not going to tell her where you found me, are you?"

He shook his head. "Just that I found you under the trees and you rolled your ankle. How's that?"

I didn't know this boy, but he was already willing to protect me. And he'd already shown that he was gallant. Who knew boys could be gallant?

"Thanks, Westin."

He shrugged. "I mean, you're just a girl. I think Mrs. Pembry would want me to look after you."

I could see the pride in his face. He thought he was really doing something special, but I was focused on the part where he said I was ‘just a girl.’

"Just a girl?"

He shrugged. "Aren't you a girl?"

"Yeah, I am. But you said it like it meant I was somehow less than you."

He had that adorable furrow again. "Well, I mean, I'm stronger. I'm probably faster too."

"How dare you? That sounds like a challenge. But I'm injured, so I can't run."

He laughed. "You're going to challenge me?"

"Yes, of course, I am."

"Okay, when you're better, we’ll race."

I nodded shortly. "All right, what are we playing for?"
