Page 130 of The Rook

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"That we do. We both hold half of the puzzle. And as my commander said on the phone, he's willing for us to work together."

She cocked her head. "A commander. You know what, it's becoming more and more clear that I didn't even know who you are, at all."

"I'm still me."

She frowned when she stood up. "Oh, yeah? Who's that?"

"Do you care to know? Can't you get me out of your mind?"

She slapped her hands on the desk. "You don't get to ask me those kinds of questions.”

“So how does this work anyway? We’ll bring Interpol in, but Rogues are on point."

She laughed. "There's no fucking way. Interpol is in charge."

I shook my head. "Pleasure doing business with you."

I turned to stalk out, and I thought she was going to let me. It wasn't until I hit the landing on the second floor that she called out. "Fine. Rogues takes point."

"Good. We'll need to work together. Determine who's going after him."

She laughed. "Obviously, I'm going."

I shook my head. "The fuck you are. You're just here to negotiate. You're not trained."

"You know, it's fascinating how little you think of me."

My gut was churning with raw emotion as I watched her. My beautiful Nissa, a completely different person than I'd known. A completely different woman. One who couldn't trust me.

Whose fault is that?

"I didn't need you saving me. I never have."

"Nissa, is that what you think this is? I know you don't need to be saved. I know you don't need me to save you most of all. But I know your feelings about your father are complicated. You love him, and that's okay. You're supposed to. But you want vengeance too. And that's a dangerous road."

“I may not want him to die, but I do want him in prison. And right now, this is the only way to do that. So like it or not, I'm coming."

I ground my jaw so hard I could feel the pain radiating into my skull. "Be careful what you wish for, Beauty, because you're right, I'm not exactly the man you think I am."



Two days later, Rogues paid a visit to Interpol's London offices. I wasn't sure what I expected. There were certain connotations that came with the image of Interpol. But this looked like an office building where people made decisions about who lived and who died, depending on the agenda.

Nissa walked next to a brunette who led the way for me and Gabe, and no one spoke as we walked. She wouldn’t even look me in the eye. And maybe that was for the best, because Gabe was already suspicious of what happened in the library. But all he knew was that we were mission go, and now we needed some details.

Nyla had us take a seat, and Amelia came in with some sodas and snacks.

I sat back watching the whole room. "So, what are we doing?"

I thought Nyla would lead the way, but it was Amelia who spoke. "We appreciate your willingness to work with us as a team."

My gaze lifted to Nissa as she kept her eyes resolutely on Amelia. "We all want this done."

She nodded. "Understood. We only need a small team. Obviously, Montgomery wants Nissa and Westin. We're not going to give them to him, but we need to at least, make the appearance of an effort."

