Page 135 of The Rook

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As I waited for him to answer, I put my hand against my ribs and held my breath. I held it for so long I started to feel slightly dizzy, as he slowly nodded. "Nissa Montgomery, I have loved you, body, mind, and spirit since the day we met at the creek. You were trying to be so brave. I loved you when you punched Alistair Cooper on behalf of your mate, Emmy. I was so horrified that I had to let you in the car with Frank Michelin, but then you handled him, and I loved you for that. I didn't leave because I didn't love you. I left because I did. I knew I couldn't contain my feelings for you anymore, and your father knew. He threatened to hurt you, and I couldn't watch that. I knew if I wasn't there, you'd be safe. So, I left."

"I know you said something like that before, but—"

"Let me be clear, I have always and will always protect you with my life. My life is forfeit without you because I love you. I wish I could have told you about Rogues. If I could have shoved the assignment away, I would have. Anything to keep you safe, because my coming back only endangered you more."

"No, it didn't. I endangered myself. Fucking with things I didn't understand. Fucking with things I have no business poking around in. I did this."

"You were looking for your sister. That's all." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "You did everything you could do to stay out of this. You were just searching for a connection, for a family. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm proud of what you’ve done, every step of the way. And to say you got one over me… It's hard to do, so well done."

“I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Nissa. More than I can ever say. All I've ever wanted is you."

"And all I've ever wanted was to be loved."

"Well, mission accomplished. Here we are."

Yes, I was hurt that he’d lied. Yes, it was all confusing. But I'd always wanted him. I turned to him, and he asked, "What's it going to be, Nissa? Are you mine?"



In the morning, I caressed Nissa's arm as she lay awake staring at the ceiling. "I see you're up."

"Yeah. I see that you're up too."

She rolled over in my arms, and I pulled her tighter. "Is it okay that I'm worried?"

"You know this plan is how it needs to be."

"Forgive me, but I’ve spent half of my adult life trying to make sure that you're safe. So, putting you in harm's way is going to be a problem for me. How am I supposed to not worry?"

"Fucking hell. When I think of everything my father has done, everything he's put us through, I want to kill him myself."

"Believe me, I understand the sentiment. He kept us apart for so long, he kept you from your sister for so long, but we're going to put a stop to this. Put an end to him."

"It's hard to believe he’s such a monster. Sometimes I actually felt love from him. But I think that was the point, to show us just enough love so that we'd do as we were told. In the end, he's about to reap the benefits of fucking with us."

From the moment we left the villa, we knew we were being watched. We walked along the streets of Athens, winding around the cobblestone streets like tourists. When we got the all-clear from Saff and Lock, we headed on down to the pier. We were being watched by Interpol and Rogues alike. Just as we'd said, everyone working together. I was worried that Gabe had some plan up his sleeve because we could never be sure with him. But as of that moment, everyone was playing nice.

When we got to the marina, I took the boat out nice and easy, and Nissa and I laid it on thick, kissing, holding each other, making sure that anyone watching could see that we were a couple in love. Absolutely in love. No question. And then, as we got further up to our marked point on the map, I put the anchor down. We'd already tagged Montgomery's location. He had men on us from one of the seaside houses. Nissa was sunbathing, and I had to swallow the instant surge of lust as my gaze ran over her.

"You do like to tempt me."

"Hey, it's not my fault you're tempted."

My gut twisted and knotted. "Nissa, I really wish we didn't have to do this."

"Me to, but we do, so get on board."

She strolled up to me, and then I picked up her bag and made sure that Montgomery’s man could see it. In case they had someone videotaping to try and read our lips, we went through the script. "What the fuck is this, Nissa?"

She frowned and threw up her hands. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I opened the bag, making a huge production of it, arms flailing. Then I pulled out the one thing Montgomery wanted more than anything. The ledger. When I waved it in front of her face, Nissa just tilted her chin up. "So what? I figured it was better in my purse than where you hid it."

"We agreed we’d keep it safe. Hidden. You have exposed us."
