Page 14 of The Rook

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He frowned. "Playing for?"

"Yeah, if we're going to have a race, there has to be stakes."

He considered that as he carried me to the trees along the road to the cottage. "All right, I have my Coldplay T-shirt. I love that thing. If you win, you can have it."

"A band T-shirt?"

"Oh yeah, they're cool. You don't know this yet, because you're just in primary, but bands are awesome."

"I know bands. I like One Direction."

He rolled his eyes. "As if One Direction is cool."

"Coldplay is cool. And so is One Direction."

He audibly gagged. "Oh no. Tell me you're not one of them."

"You leave my One Direction alone."

"I almost want to lose just to give you the T-shirt so you'll have something cool. You can't go into secondary liking One Direction."

"I think they're awesome," I said mutinously.

"If you say so."

And as I pondered what was wrong with him, a little part of me fell in love with Westin St. James.



Present Day

Okay, so Nissa was going to take some convincing.

What did you expect?

Honestly, I'd come out none too worse for wear, though my nose hurt. She packed a hell of a punch, and she was just as stubborn as I remembered.

Just as beautiful too. Her hair was in two space buns. She looked cute. Fun. I wondered who she'd become in the four years I’d been gone.

Julian had a two-man rotation going on her right now, and I would take over during the week. We would rotate on the weekends unless that couldn't be managed. I’d be staying with Nissa around the clock though. He knew I wouldn’t run. Not with the threat looming over me.

I'd been given one of their phones, but I'd already made modifications to allow me to access encrypted lines to the Rogues. When I typed in my passcode, Gabe's voice came on immediately after the first ring, clear and tight. "Status."

"I'm on the primary target now. No access for a search. I'll be on the secondary target by this afternoon."

"Any problems?"

I tenderly touched my nose. "No, everything went as expected."

"All right. And you're good? You’ve had no issues?"

"None that will currently get in the way of the mission, so I'm fine."

"This is one of those things you're going to have to communicate clearly, Rook."

"There's nothing to do. Right now, I play their game. And when I can't, I call you in. Isn't that the plan?"
