Page 141 of The Rook

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"Why? Where are we going?"

"We're not going anywhere. But we have to finish the tour."

"We can't make the tour wait a few minutes? I was going to give you a pretty amazing blow job."

That stopped him in his tracks. "Fuck me."

"Yeah, that's the idea."

He laughed and scooped me up, twirling me. "God, I fucking love you."

"I love you too. We survived."

He nodded once. "We survived." He slid me down his body and tentatively started kissing my lips. "But I'm hoping to do a lot more than survive. Come here."

He took my hand, pulling me through the massive kitchen and out into the sunroom. My feet faltered when I saw that there was someone in there. "Who's that?"

"Oh, you'll see."

And as he tugged me forward, my stomach started doing that flippity-floppity thing, and I knew exactly who it was.


She looked up from her phone and gave me a tremulous smile. "Hey, Nissa."

My gaze bounced back and forth between Westin and Lenora and back again. "What? How?"

She said, "I thought you two were never going to arrive."

Westin shrugged. "I got distracted."

My eyes filled with tears, and I blinked them rapidly. "You did this?"

"I did this.”

The tears started falling now, freely at their own will, making my face a slippery wet mess. Lenora stepped forward, arms outstretched. "Hi, stranger."

I shook my head, weeping now. "I have been looking for you my whole life."

"And I've known exactly where you were all along. I knew every math competition you had, every debate. If I could go, I did. I got into a lot of trouble in the group homes for sneaking out, but I never, never forgot you, Nissa. I love you so much."

I was a weeping, blubbering mess by the time she wrapped her arms around me. She smelled like sweet brown sugar and love. And for the first time, in a long time, I let myself revel in the feeling of being whole at last.



"I'll see you soon, Gabe."

He closed the door and watched me pull out of his driveway. The Hennessey Venom tires scrunched on the gravel drive. And watching him in the rearview, I knew what needed to happen next.

I opened the car up and peeled down the drive to my location point. Once I reached it, I threw the car into park, reached into my glove box, grabbed my weapon, my com unit, and the change of clothes. The leggings were easy to put on. The rest was difficult. I just gave up, ripped the dress off, tits flying in the wind, and put on my special Kevlar black tank and then the accompanying jacket.

Once I was fully dressed in tactical gear, I followed the direction of the route back toward Gabe's house. I knew I was being watched every step as I approached. I slipped into the shadows and finally eased myself into the backdoor, hoping that the people paying attention could see. When I slipped into Gabe's living area, he smirked at me from the couch.

"Hello, Tabs. Is this the part where I look surprised?"

I pulled my weapon and smiled back at him. "You're coming with me, Gabe."

"Wow, this is awkward. And here I thought you came back for round two."

I flushed thinking about his fingertips on my skin. "Nope. Don't make this difficult, or I will tranq you."

He lifted a brow. That was adlib. Not part of the script. And he knew full well I wasn't going to tranq him. I would have to drag him out of here. He was enormous and weighed a ton. He smirked at me. "Okay, I'm not one to argue with a lady. But just so you know, you'll never get away with this. My team will come for me."

And then I said the words that I worried might be true. "You'll be dead long before anyone ever comes for you."

* * *
