Page 18 of The Rook

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I groaned and turned around. "What are you doing here, Saff?"

We were currently at the pub, and I was watching Nissa watch her mate's drink. Nissa was nursing a pint, the same one she’d been holding for the last thirty minutes. She did not seem in the same kind of jovial mood as her mates.

"You know how it is. Being undercover can be difficult."

"Bullshit. Gabe didn't like how I sounded, so he sent you to assess."

"You're getting smarter, Rook."

"I've always been smart."

"If you say so." She swiped my pint, took a sip, and frowned at it. "What's wrong with it?"

I laughed. "It's not alcoholic. You know, I'm on duty."

She groaned. "Oh no. While you might be on duty, we can still have fun."

"No, I can't. I promise you, this one is a handful. And she's hellbent on making me pay for existing."

"What did you do to her?"


"Go on, tell me."

"I left in a way that probably made her think I left her."

Saff tsked and shook her head, her braids cascading down her back. "Naughty, naughty."

"I know. That wasn't the plan. I didn't really have a choice when Montgomery asked me to do something, and I did it without knowing the consequences. Once I found out what I'd done, I told him I wasn't going to do it anymore."

"That's the problem. Sometimes we take these gigs, and we think we're doing the right thing, but we're not. You couldn't come back and tell her what was going on?"

I shook my head. "No, it wasn't possible."

"Let me guess, she blamed you?"

"How did you know?"

"Well, I've been there before. Maybe she will forgive you eventually."

I shook my head. "I doubt it. She's holding a grudge."

"Maybe. But usually, I find that when people hold that kind of grudge, it's because they're hurt. They just want to be told that the other person cares about them. That they understand that they caused them pain. I'm pretty sure if you explain that it'll be okay."

"You don't get it, Saff. She's going to hold a grudge forever."

"Maybe she will for a time. But you’ve got to do your job one way or the other. If she's hindering that, you need to find out why and resolve it. You know the deal. Human beings are unpredictable."

"I know. We are difficult. And we make irrational decisions."

"Yes, because we're hurt. So it's up to you. You decide what you want to do. But if you ask me, a good apology will go a long way."

"And if I can't find a proper way to apologize?"

"Well, keep doing this. See how well that works out for you."

I sighed. "All right, I'll try."
