Page 19 of The Rook

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"Yeah, you do that. In the meantime, don't let her hit you again."

I scowled. "Those were lucky hits."

"If you say so. But I trained you, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Right. So next time, keep your hands up. Sounds like she's a feisty one. I think I like her already, and I see why you do, too."

I rolled my eyes. "Really, Saff?"

She giggled, took another sip of my pint, and then murmured under her breath. "Incoming."

A blonde who'd been eyeing me earlier sauntered up to me. "Is this seat taken?"

I kept my scowl in place and nodded my head. "Yup, it's taken."

"Are you sure? Because I haven't seen anyone sit here."

Next to me, Saff chuckled as she swung her long legs around on the stool and scooted off. From my periphery, I could see her head out the door in seconds. She was leaving me to deal with this. "You seem lovely, but I'm waiting for someone."

"What if you end up waiting for that person your whole life and they never show up? Meanwhile, I'm here and you'll be missing out."

I gave her a tight smile. "Sorry, not interested."

She scooted off with a huff. "You don’t know what you're missing."

"So I've heard. Now, if you don't mind, the woman I'm staring at is over there."

And sure enough, Nissa was about to get herself in a hell of a lot of trouble.


I watched from my spot on the bar stool as Jamila and Adam did shots.

Not that I begrudged their happiness, I just was going to miss my mate. Not to mention, she was leaving me with the bodyguard.

As per our agreement, he left me alone. Well, mostly anyway. He lurked in the corner at the end of the bar, and I could feel his eyes on me. And honestly, was that the way you were even supposed to bodyguard? Weren't you supposed to be watching the surroundings?

But no, Westin was watching me, as if I was the one who needed watching. Which was just bullshit. He was the one working for the devil incarnate.

And the devil incarnate is your father.

Well, he obviously knew that, and he'd made his choices. I’d had no choice. I hadn't asked for any of this.

All night I'd seen women approaching him, and he just kept shaking his head. The aura around him screamed powerful. With a simple look, he'd managed to deter ninety-nine percent of all comers. Only one had been brave enough to actually speak to him, and he'd politely declined her. She tried again, and he'd less than politely declined her with a lifted brow and a cocked head.

He'd still turned her down with his gaze pinned on me.

Jamila came bouncing over. "Oh, come on, Nissa, cheer up. I’ll still see you all the time."

I forced my melancholy away. "I am cheered up. I am so excited for you. You guys are going to be so happy. Besides, I still have plans for us this year. Much drinking. Much fussing about who's going to become my new Bachelor buddy?"

Jamila guffawed. "Gosh, I really can't imagine the bodyguard watching The Bachelor with you."

"Neither can I. I think he'd be annoying and sulking the entire time if he did that."

Jamila pondered and lifted a brow. "Although, you could force him to watch with you. I feel like that would bring great satisfaction."
