Page 28 of The Rook

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When she increased the volume, I playfully tapped her with a pillow. All it did was make her sing louder.

"We can do a pillow fight later, but first you have to make a wish, okay?"

I sat down, my eyes still brimming at this eleven-year-old kid who never seemed to leave me alone but always seemed to know exactly what I needed to hear, and I smiled at her. "This is the best birthday I've had in a while."

"Good. Now, blow out the candles. I made that cupcake myself. Okay, Mrs. Pembry helped me. You'll get the rest tonight. But still, I iced it and everything. It’s made with love. Now make a wish."

I would never tell her my wish. Not ever. But in that moment, I wished that I'd never have to leave Nissa Montgomery behind.



“Nissa, what a surprise to see you at home.”

My father's happiness to see me made me want to grind my teeth. He knew that by assigning Westin to me, I would be forced to come and plead my case.

The man in question was not three feet behind me. Sticking by me like glue, just like he had all damn day. Every class, he'd sat in the back. My father had already worked it out with my professors, which was another problem. At some point I needed to be able to take charge of my own life without his constant interference.

But that was an argument for another day. Today's argument was getting rid of Westin.

My father's gaze flickered to him. “Any problems?”

Westin's voice was a low rumbling timbre behind me. “No, sir.”

“Good. Leave me with my daughter. Don't go too far though. I expect she won't be able to stomach my presence for too long before she's ready to go.”

He gave my father a sharp nod before turning to leave, and I scowled at his back. “Replace him, Julian. I get what you're trying to do. You wanted to teach me a lesson that I have to do exactly as you say. I understand. Now call off your dog.”

Julian sat back in the chair in his massive study. The worn leather chair matched the one in his office. He folded his arms across his chest. “Now what lesson would you have learned? Please, illuminate me. I'm curious.”

“You wanted to show me that you control my life. That there isn't a move I make that you won't know about. Okay, fine. But give me someone else. Anyone but him.”

“Is there a reason you don't want him specifically?”

His dark gaze bored into mine. This was it. I could say it. I could have pointed out to dear old dad that before he left, Westin and I were closer than we should have been. I could have said that I trusted Westin with my life. I could have mentioned that we’d crossed that untouchable line.

And then he'd vanished and never come back. Just like everyone else in my life that I loved, he had abandoned me.

Instead, I just lifted my chin and said, “It's a bad fit. “

“You need to explain yourself. If he's hurt you or touched you in any way, I will have him killed.”

My stomach fell. I might not want Westin following my every move, but I didn't want him dead. It was one thing to want him to pay for leaving me, but another thing entirely to murder him. “What? No. That's not something you'll ever have to worry about. But he's still a bad fit, and I want him gone.”

My father's smirk was all too knowing. “If he hasn't given any cause other than annoying you, then he stays. Unless you do have cause. In which case, like I said, I will have him killed and find a replacement.”

I swallowed hard. It didn't matter how I felt. It didn't matter that he'd hurt me. What did matter was that I couldn't have his life on my conscience. “Wouldn't you consider replacing him just because it would make me happy?”

“In this case, no. There is simply too much danger.”

I’d known all along my father was unlikely to remove Westin from my duty, but I'd still had to try.

It was when I turned to leave that I saw something interesting on his desk. Some sort of binder with etchings on the outside. “What is that?”

He frowned at me and shook his head. “This is not something you want to touch. Whatever little impulsive part of your nature tells you that you want to know about this thing right here, shut it down and kill it dead. Because I might be a monster, but I am your father. It is my job to protect you. You don't need to know what this is. You don't need to know how I got it. Just know that this ledger could one day save your life.”

