Page 50 of The Rook

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I swayed my hips seductively, and song after song played on with Westin's hands on my hips, occasionally tightening and loosening. Jamila bumped into me causing Westin to have to catch me again, and then my arse bumped his hips, and I could feel every single fucking inch of him. I gasped and held perfectly still. Westin didn't move either. I could feel the tension in his body.

When I swiveled again, his hands tightened on my hips. His breath teased the shell of my ear. "Don't play with me, Beauty. Not a good idea."

I didn't care though. Tonight, tonight I was carefree. Tonight, I had my freedom, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it. I swiveled my hips again, deliberately grinding against him. His fingers dug into my flesh, and he groaned low. "You are playing with fire. This isn't a game we can win."

I turned in his arms. "Who says I'm playing?"

I danced in front of him, working my hips in time to the music. Westin stared down at me, his eyes growing dark. He licked his bottom lip as we danced together. Feeling naughty, I kept my gaze locked on his, as I moved my body in time to the beat. Larkin helped me out and added a reggae influence to the beat of their song. I dropped a little bit, winding my hips a little. Westin's hands slid on my arse and tightened. "Fuck, Nissa."

"Yeah, Westin?"


Behind us, there was a loud bang and a sudden crush of people. Even in the VIP section, people automatically moved forward away from the sound, tossing us up against the stage.

Westin released me and immediately pressed his finger to his ear. "Coming your way."

"What's going on?"

He took my hand. "We've got a problem."


Nissa was a fucking tease, and it was the sweetest form of torture.

With every swing of her hips, with every grind to the thumping, pounding music, I had slowly been losing my mind, and she had been doing it on purpose, trying to drive me mad.

But that bang behind us reminded me of why I was there, reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing, not getting caught up in her and in that burning emptiness where my heart should be.

You're slipping.

I immediately grabbed her hand, and when she tugged it back, I scowled down at her. "We don't have time for you to argue. Move it, now."

I already had her halfway toward the exit of our section, then she shook her head. "Adam, Jamila."

I realized that she wasn't leaving without them, and the panic was getting worse. The band kept singing, but it was clear that something was wrong. Several men were pointing to someplace I couldn't see at the back of the field.

I knew she wasn't going to go without her mates, so I reached back for Adam's collar and helped to get a grip on Jamila, then tugged him along.

When he realized that we were going somewhere and that there was a problem, he wrapped his arms around Jamila and followed behind, his hand on my shoulder.

I managed to tug them through the VIP section to a side stage. But in my comms, there was nothing but static. I couldn't hear the other guards. Which meant they couldn't fucking hear me, so it was my responsibility to get her out down to the garages and to safety.

Motherfucker. And this was why I didn't want her going to a bloody concert.

Lucky for me I had an ace in the hole. But even when I switched to the other channel, I still couldn't hear Saff. Fuck. It was getting too crowded because something was happening. Something I couldn't see. Adam frowned as he looked down at his phone. "It's a little slow, but it's all over Instagram and TikTok. There are some people that can't get out."

"What the fuck?"

Without thinking about it. I reached down and scooped up Nissa, swinging her over my shoulder.

"Stay with me. If we get separated, head down to the garage."

The VIP area for parking was a quarter of a mile away from the fields and from where everyone else had to park. We had special passes. We'd get through easily if the crowd wasn't a problem.

Adam nodded and tugged Jamila along. The problem was that Jamila was very inebriated and not steady on her feet.

Before I knew it, I lost them in the crowd and couldn't find them again. Nissa was screaming and struggling in my arms. I realized I was going to have to find another way to get her out. There were too many people the way we were going, too many opportunities for danger. Fucking hell. I’d mapped several exits, but I needed to look at my phone to catch them.
