Page 71 of The Rook

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You did get in.

Yes, I had gotten into Oxford as Westin St. James, but I hadn't been allowed to go, obviously. And when I created my new persona, a new version of me, it wouldn't have been smart to go to Oxford, so I sent myself to Cambridge instead.

That was a long time ago. Now focus.

When Nissa entered the library, I followed behind, keeping my distance but making sure that I had an eye on her. But the moment I checked my phone to ascertain her location, her phone vanished off my map.


I quickly spun around, wondering if I was just in a Wi-Fi blind spot or something. No. I had full bars, just no tracking capabilities.

Fuck. Had she turned off her phone?

She was wearing her black leather jacket, and I'd slipped a tracking device under the collar, but I couldn't find it either.

I was going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.

Stack after stack I scanned, trying to look like a student who belonged there. And I was a student; I just wasn't there to study anything but Nissa.

I grabbed a book off one of the stacks to at least look like I had a plan going, and then I headed to the International Law section because I knew that was one of her classes. I couldn't find her, but there were a lot of places to hide. After searching for twenty minutes, there was still no sign of her. She wasn't fucking there. So where had she gone?

I'd just come back downstairs and deposited my cover book on one of the shelves when I saw her coming out of International Law.

Then suddenly my phone beeped. I had her jacket and her phone back online.

She stopped short when she saw me. "Jesus Christ, were you following me? You’re not even on duty now."

"Yes. Frederick there called it in and said he couldn't find you.” A lie, but Frederick didn’t talk much. And truth be told, he hadn’t noticed I’d come into the section as I’d snuck in with several blustery corporate law students. “What's your excuse?"


I could tell she was lying. "Where were you? I've been all over these stacks, and I haven't seen you."

"You know, I have my own little secret spots in the library."

I wondered why was she lying. "You can tell me. What are you working on?"

“A translation project for a consulting gig. You know since Julian killed my interview opportunities, I need to line up what I can.” Again, there was a kernel of truth in what she was saying, but she was being deliberately evasive. "I'm going home."

"I’m walking you back." It was better if I personally kept an eye on her. Not that I had any other options.

She scoffed and tried to shove past me. "Wow, you're pretending chivalry now?"

"It's dangerous to walk the streets of London by yourself at night."

"I'm on campus! And Frederick is a human tank."

"LSE is in the middle of London. It might be campus, but it's still not safe.”

"I promise you, I can take care of myself."

“You can pretend you don't know me if you want, but I'm walking with you."

She walked past me, and I took her elbow. When she shook me off, I let her. "Easy does it, Beauty. I'm trying to help you."

"Why don’t you get that I don't need your help, or you interfering with my life, or your constant presence in it?"

Her scent wrapped around me just like it had earlier, drawing me in, threatening to fry every last brain cell I had, tempting me to just give in and taste her for once.
