Page 76 of The Rook

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I tapped in the code for clean-up and left his body there. I eyed the car at the other end of the alley and told Nissa to stay fucking put. Of course, she didn't listen, and I could hear the clomp of her heels right behind me as she followed me down the alley. At the car, I could see the keys were still inside, so I liberated them and then slashed his tires just to make sure no one could remove the vehicle for him. At least not quickly.

I also ran around and opened the bonnet. Lucky for me, it wasn't an electric car. Not that Igno or whoever else could be after her would exactly be environmentally conscious. I took the spark plugs easily enough and then grabbed her. "Nissa, listen to me. We have to go."

She kept staring back at the bloke on the ground about halfway down the alley. "He's not dead, is he?"

I shook my head. "No. There are more efficient ways to kill people. I don't want him dead; I want him incapacitated."

"Who was he?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. We have to go. Right now."

"I don't…"

She was shaking and going into shock. I needed to get her off the street in case there was another attacker close by. Fuck. I had the syringe in my pocket. Whatever they'd been about to inject her with, I needed it analyzed. I deliberately dropped it by one of the tires. Lock and the team would find it.

I wrapped her in my arms. "Hey, you're okay. I have you. I did my job today, okay? This is exactly what I'm supposed to do. Protect you. I don't know who he is, what he wants, or why he was after you, but we'll ask those questions later when you're safe. Do you understand me?"

She nodded against my shoulder. "I think so."

"Good. Now, come on, let's get you home."

We were all the way in fucking North London. We should have driven. I should have insisted.

Except you didn't know where she was going.

"We're going to take a taxi all the way home, okay?

For a moment, I thought she might argue with me, but she didn't. She nodded instead, so I hailed the first taxi I could find and shoved her inside. "I have you."

Once we were in the car and safely moving, I tucked her into me. She was still shaking. It was only then that I realized my heart had been hammering inside my chest. I hadn't been that worried about anyone in a long time. And just as I was about to remind her why the fuck she needed to trust me, my bloody phone rang.



"What part of low profile did you not get?" That was the first thing Gabe said when I picked up the line.

"Mate, I'll call you back," I mumbled.

"You left a mess, mate. I don't like cleaning up messes."

I hung up on him. I hadn't left a mess. The guy was knocked out. They should be able to handle that. Why the fuck was he calling me?

It took us nearly an hour to get back to Nissa's flat. And when we did, she was knackered. She headed straight for her room. But before she closed herself in, she turned and gave me a smile and a nod. "Thanks. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there today."

I shrugged. "Just doing my job."

"Yeah, I know. But I'm still grateful. Even if I didn't particularly want you here."

I grinned. "Well, I have been kind of a twat."

She grinned at me. "So, you admit it."

"Only because you were being a brat."

She shrugged. "I may or may not resemble that remark, but still, thank you."

The smile she gave me was so vulnerable. All I wanted to do was protect her. What the hell was in that goddamn syringe? Was Igno after her?
