Page 77 of The Rook

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It was only when I was sure she was in her room and locked in that I went to mine and used my code to call in. Lock answered immediately.

"Seriously, mate. Low profile. What the fuck, Westin?"

I blinked rapidly. He never used my name. He either called me kid or Rook, my call sign. "What are you talking about? I just knocked him out, that's it."

He was silent for a moment. "You knocked him out?"

"Yeah, with a choke hold. Standard protocol."

"Mate, he's got a bullet hole in his head."

I sat still for a long moment. "What the fuck?"

"Clean shot. Like a professional. I assumed you did it. You're the crack shot when it comes to these things."

I frowned. "I didn't shoot him, mate. I don't even have a gun on me. Montgomery wanted me to carry a gun, but I refused."

"Fucking hell."

"It wasn't me. But that means…" I let my voice trail.

Unfortunately, Lachlan finished my thoughts for me. "There was a redundancy. You got out of there just in time."

What the hell was going on here? And how much was Montgomery hiding? "Christ. Did you find the bloody syringe?"

"Yeah, by the tire? Nice drop. We got it. Saff's got the lab boys on it now, evaluating what it is."

"What the fuck have we walked into here, mate?"

"If Igno's involved, it's something bloody nasty. I guarantee that. Nissa Montgomery is lucky to be alive."

"Fucking hell."

"I do need to give you some shit about leaving the body in plain sight though."

"Hey, technically, it’s not my body."

Somewhere in the distance, I could hear Saint chuckling. I knew it was Saint by the deep rumble of his laugh. Wanker.

Lock laughed too. "Yeah. Did you get anything off the body?"

"No." I paced as I answered because I was concerned that we had a real fucking problem. "There was nothing on him. He was clean. But as soon as you find out what was in that syringe, fucking tell me, because he nearly got me with it."

"Fucking hell."

"Yeah, exactly. Surprisingly, it was Nissa who saved me. She stomped on his balls."

Lock coughed at the words and then it sounded like he was full on choking. “Mate, are you serious?”

“Unfortunately, yes. Honestly, she saved my arse.”

“Well, I guess she’s not so innocent, after all.”

“What do I say to Montgomery? I need to tell him something.”

“Call it in. We didn't leave the body, so he can make his own determinations on that. We left the car though."

"In that neighborhood? It will be stripped for parts in no time."
