Page 79 of The Rook

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"It's not about the job description. I actually care. So come on, up you get. Let's get some food in you."

I was about to decline and lie that I didn't want any food, but my stomach grumbled. "Okay."

When I turned on the light, my gaze drank him in. It was as if I was even more aware of exactly how he moved his body. He was long and lean, and I could see those insane forearms and biceps. He had a tattoo winding around his right forearm, disappearing under his sleeve. I knew he had another one on his left pec, and no others as far as I had seen before. But who knew where else he was hiding ink?

He marched into the room, and I drank in the rest. His T-shirt pulled tight on his shoulders, and his jeans hung low on his hips. His feet were bare and enormous. The light dusting of blond hair on his toes made me smile.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked.

"Nothing. What do we have here?"

"Well, I called in an order from that pastry shop on the corner. They had some scones, and I made you an omelet and some tea. I figured you needed some protein. And there's juice there too, in case you need a fast sugar hit."

"You didn't have to—"

I closed my mouth when he pressed his lips into a firm line, scowling at me. I rolled my eyes. "You know, I don't trust your scowl anymore. I have seen your sensitive side. I know it's a front."

Except, maybe it wasn't. He did look downright dangerous. Annoyed, even. But there was a lilt in his eyes, like I could almost see the mischief dancing there. "Be quiet now and eat something."

He sat on the end of my bed and watched me as I picked up the fork. "Are you going to watch me eat?"

"I need to make sure you have some extra calories in you to counteract the shock. You'll feel worse in the morning if you don't eat and drink something."

"So now you're a doctor?"

He laughed. "Maybe in another life. I'm better with the computer though."

"Did you ever want to become a doctor?"

He shrugged. "If my life had been different, I would have had a lot more options, I suppose. But it wasn't different, so it is what it is."

I frowned at that. "How did you end up working for Julian?"

He shook his head. "That's not important."

"I'd love to know if you're willing to tell me. I kind of figured it's not the job you'd take if you had lots of options."

He licked his bottom lip as he casually rubbed along his jaw as if trying to decide what he could share with me.

"Please, I'd like to know. I don't know anything about you anymore. I have a lot of things maybe I assumed about you, but I'd like to know the facts. After all, you saved my life today. I should probably know something about you besides just your name."

"You want to know how I ended up here?"

"Well, for starters."

"Julian found me. Gave me a chance to come home and look out for you."

There was something he couldn’t say. I could tell. "Okay. So you felt like you owed him?"

"Well, it’s more like he called in a marker. Besides, I owed you for the way I left."

My heart squeezed as I considered. "I don’t want an apology. It’s been too long.”

“But I owe you—”

I shook my head. “We can’t go back.”

“No I suppose we can’t.”
