Page 83 of The Rook

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“Westin, I don't think we can pretend we don't have history. But maybe we can start fresh.”

He nodded slowly. “Okay, in the interest of starting fresh, tell me, what have you been up to this last four years?”

“Oh you know, school, mates, being prepped to take over an international criminal organization.” He winced and I had to laugh. “But I have no intention of going into the family business. What about you?”

He licked his lips as if trying to determine what he could tell me. "Julian made it clear that I was ruining your life. If I went near you again, he was going to put you somewhere very unpleasant to keep us apart. When I left, I had to hide. For your safety and my own. I needed to make sure your father never found me. But eventually, I made a mistake, and Julian found me and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Come back and protect you.”

“Is it that simple? Even after he threatened to kill you?”

He nodded. “Whatever he’s gotten himself involved in has him worried enough to get me back. I would have come back sooner if I’d thought it wouldn't endanger you.”

“I'm different person now, Westin.”

“I look forward to figuring out who you are. Starting with the PlayStation. Don't think I didn't see it in the closet.” He grinned. “I challenge you to a game when we get home.”

And for the first time since he'd come back into my life, I felt a little bit more like my old self. “You're on. Just so we're clear, I'm not going to take it easy on you. I will make you cry like a teenage girl who just discovered Tom Hiddleston will never be her man.”

He clutched a hand to his heart. “Still as ruthless as ever, I see. Good thing I can stop letting you win now.”

I stared at him, agog. “Letting me win? What a pile of horseshit. I always beat you fair and square.”

“If that's what you need to tell yourself.”

"You’re on! To be fair, I always took it easy on you. I know how fragile the male ego is."

"Moi?" He mockingly placed a hand on his chest. His eyes danced and the mischief in them made my belly flip.

He’s not dating material. He’s here to protect you.

My libido didn’t feel like listening though.

I chuckled. “Well, aren't we a pair?"

He raised his glass then. "Hopefully we can start fresh now."

I nodded, lifting my glass off the dark wood table. "To starting fresh."

When we left the Slug and Crow, I noticed just how careful he was with me. As we walked, he made me walk on the inside, and he was vigilant about walking me around anyone that looked even vaguely dodgy.

"So, what's your story anyway?” I asked. “Do you have a partner? In four years, you must have found a supermodel or two along the way."

He gave me a sly smirk "So, you're curious about who I'm dating?"

Yes, I was curious. No, it wasn't any of my business, and I absolutely understood I couldn't have him. Not after everything that happened between us.

Mates we could try for, but anything above and beyond that would be bad. It had taken me a year to even start to heal after he left. I wasn’t going through that again.

He leaned forward met my gaze levelly. “Not dating right now. It's hard to date on assignment anyway. The nature of the job is already so intimate. It’s hard to maintain another relationship when your focus is completely captured by what’s right in front of you.”

The current between us crackled, and I could almost feel it cocooning me into place. It was almost a touch as it hummed over my skin. But then he leaned back and the moment disappeared with his movement. “So, no. I’m not dating. What about you? Obviously, you're gorgeous. I've been here for a few weeks, but I haven't seen you with anyone. As part of the gig, I assumed I'd be beating down some jealous boyfriend."

I scrunched up my face. "Nope. No jealous boyfriend, or girlfriend, for that matter. I'm focused on school right now. Besides, with my father being who he is, I'm not exactly dying to drag someone else into his sphere. I can focus on all that stuff when I'm done with school.”

"You don't date at all?"

I laughed then. "You know Julian. Can’t you see why? The fact that I have made it out of the house and was allowed to stay in my own flat is shocking."

"Must be tough."
