Page 101 of Royal Creed

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When Adam escorts Rory into the private room of the restaurant a few minutes later and she realizes she’s not here just to have lunch, she’s clearly surprised and overwhelmed by the gesture, tears welling in her eyes.

“Was this your doing?” She glances up at Adam, her short stature tiny compared to my brother’s six-five frame.

He slowly shakes his head. “Sorry to say I can’t take credit. This was all Creed’s idea, with the help of Her Highness, of course.”

There’s something slightly antagonistic in his response.

Or maybe I’m just on edge after he walked in on us yesterday and my guilty conscience is playing tricks on my mind.

But as Rory flings her arms around both Esme and me, pulling us in for a group hug, I get the feeling my mind isn’t playing tricks on me. Not with the intense suspicion swirling in my brother’s dark gaze.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I rest my hands against the bathroom vanity, thankful to finally have a moment to myself for the first time all day. While I’m thrilled Creed and I were able to do this for Adam and Rory, I’m mentally drained.

What I thought would be a relaxing day spent with friends was anything but, especially whenever I noticed Adam’s attention focused on me as Creed sat beside me during lunch.

As he stole a lingering touch along my leg.

As he used the distraction of Rory and Adam opening their mountains of gifts to slide his hand up my dress and tease me, bringing me to the brink of orgasm before cruelly retreating, depriving me of release yet again.

Which is why I excused myself in the first place. To catch my breath, not just from Adam’s suspicion, but also from Creed.

I keep telling myself we need to be more careful. That after our close call yesterday, I should keep my distance. That if we don’t stop our reckless behavior soon, it will only end in disaster.

Not wanting to be gone for too long, I turn from the vanity and open the door, startling when I almost run right into Creed’s formidable frame. All words escape me as he grips my hips and pushes me back into the bathroom, turning the lock before stalking toward me.

“What were you doing in here?” he asks in a quiet yet demanding voice, his eyes dark and dangerous.

“I… It’s a bathroom.”

He pulls me against him and skims his lips along my neck, the contact sending a thrill racing through me.

“You didn’t make yourself come. Did you?”

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to summon every ounce of strength I possess, reminding myself this is a bad idea.

I’ve said before that Creed Lawson is like a drug. The same remains true to this day. I know I need to stop using him. Need to break this habit before it turns into a lifelong addiction.

But the second he’s in front of me, the promise of ecstasy staring back through his penetrating gaze, I lose all willpower, surrendering to him in the hopes of experiencing just an ounce of pleasure.

“I thought about it,” I say honestly. “But no. I didn’t.”

A sly smile teases his lips. “Good. Because that’s my job.”

In one swift move, he lifts my dress, yanking my panties off.

“Creed, what are you doing?”

He covers my mouth with his, tongue swiping against mine in a kiss that erases every single thought… Including the voice warning me this is a horrible idea. My sole motivation right now is releasing the tension that’s been building between us all day.

Hell, since last night when Adam interrupted us before we could chase that high.

“Giving you what you deserve, Esme,” he answers as he hoists me onto the counter and pulls out his erection, spreading my slickness around. I barely have a second to brace myself before he thrusts into me.

I cry out, but he swallows my moans, crushing his lips to mine, his motions relentless. This is not how I saw the rest of my afternoon going. I certainly didn’t expect Creed to fuck me while his brother sat in the other room. But I can’t help myself.
