Page 105 of Royal Creed

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“That’s fucking obvious.”

He throws his hands up as he shoots to his feet, digging his fingers into his hair. Then he spins toward me. With his impressive frame towering over me as I sit in my chair, I feel like a small child being chastised for making a horrible decision.

It’s not that far from the truth.

I knew my arrangement with Creed was a ticking time bomb, but I couldn’t pull myself away.

“How did you think this would all play out? Did you think you could marry Jameson Gates, but keep screwing my brother in secret? Did you even stop to think about how this would affect him? His future? I don’t need to remind you that he’s the one who stands to lose here. Not you. Him. If anyone puts the pieces together and goes public, he could lose everything he’s worked for. So could I. And my father. This kind of scandal has the potential to destroy so many people.”

“It wouldn’t go that far,” I attempt to argue in my defense as I slowly stand, but my words seem weak and unconvincing. “We agreed it was just for the summer. Once I was engaged or he was sworn into the guard, it would end. No matter what. It was purely physical. Nothing more.”

Adam throws his head back and barks out a maniacal laugh. I can’t recall ever seeing him this emotional over something. He’s typically even-headed, not allowing anyone so much as a glimpse of what he’s thinking or feeling.

He has no problem showing me exactly what he’s thinking now.

“Purely physical. That’s rich. I’ll let you in on a little secret. When sex is involved, it’s never purely physical. Someone eventually develops emotions. When that happens, it can only end in disaster. And if you continue this…”

He stabs a finger in my direction, much like the townspeople pointed at Hester Prynne when she wore that scarlet A, whispering their disapproval and shame.

“That’s precisely what will happen. It will end in disaster. You need to end it. Immediately. And when you do, you need to destroy any hope my brother has of a future with you. Even if that means ripping his heart out of his chest and shattering it into a thousand pieces. That’s what you need to do. Remind him there can’t be anything between you. That he’s just the hired help.”

“You want me to make him…hate me?” I blink, his request stealing all my breath.

It’s one thing to demand we end things a few weeks earlier than planned. But to ask me to obliterate Creed in the process?

“I know my brother. He’s had a thing for you for years. Believe me when I say he won’t let you go without a fight. You need to make sure he won’t fight. Make sure he knows there’s nothing to fight for.”

My lips part, no response forthcoming. It doesn’t matter I spent most of the day convincing myself that ending things is the smart move. I can’t imagine hurting Creed. Not like Adam wants me to.

“Why are you talking to me about this and not Creed?” I ask in the hopes I can avoid doing what he’s asking of me.

“Because he’ll give the same excuses you just did. That it’s not serious. That it’s not going anywhere. But I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I saw it yesterday. Hell, I’ve seen it for years. This is serious. At least for him. He’d throw away everything if he thinks there’s even a minuscule chance of having a future with you.”

I open my lips to argue to the contrary, but I can’t deny the truth in Adam’s words. Especially after the past several weeks.

Especially after he begged to make love to me on my birthday.

“I’m also worried about what some people might do if they perceive Creed to be a threat to your relationship with Mr. Gates. After everything we learned last night, I don’t think I have to spell it out for you.”

I whip my eyes to his. “Did you confirm your theory that Callie’s disappearance is somehow connected to my relationship with Jameson?”

Adam hesitates, seeming to toil his response over in his mind for a protracted moment.

“I’m still looking for definitive answers. But I do think the timing of everything is suspicious. That it’s not entirely unreasonable to believe that someone may have forcibly removed Ms. Sloane from Mr. Gates’ life because she posed a threat to a potential marriage between the two of you.”

I’m about to argue it could just be a coincidence, but he holds up his hand, cutting me off.

“I understand there’s no proof. It’s just one possible explanation. But I won’t take that risk where my brother’s concerned. Which is why you need to end it. You said it yourself. It was just for the summer. Consider summer officially over.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, fighting back the tears threatening to fall.

I want to tell Adam he’s wrong. That it’ll be okay. That his brother won’t lose everything. That we’ll be more careful.

But that’s not realistic. I’ve known all along I wouldn’t be the one to suffer any harm if the truth got out. Not like Creed would. It’s irrelevant that he’s not a member of the royal guard yet, even if we’ve used that technicality to support our indiscretions all summer. To the outside world, I’m supposed to be in love with Jameson Gates. And if anyone perceives any sort of threat to that relationship, I have no doubt they’ll do whatever is necessary to eliminate the threat.

And I can’t have that on my conscience.

Reluctantly bringing my eyes back to Adam, I nod. “Okay. I’ll end things.”
