Page 8 of Royal Creed

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Even with several yards separating us, I can’t control the heat prickling my skin, my pulse increasing, breathing growing ragged.

“What is it?” Marius follows my line of sight to see what’s stolen my attention. It’s silent for a moment before he slams his hand on the table. “That’s bloody perfect!”

“What is?” I rip my eyes back to my friend.

“Creed Lawson,” he mumbles, trying not to move his mouth too much.

“I don’t follow.”

“You can ask him to take care of your little…problem.”

“That’s crazy! He’s Anderson’s best mate. We grew up together. He was always around.”

“So was Marius,” Harriet reminds me. “That didn’t stop you from propositioning him mere seconds ago.”

“You little hussy.” Marius winks.

“You know what I mean.” I steal a glance over my shoulder at my constant shadow before facing my friends again. “His older brother is also my chief protection officer.”

“All the more reason he’s perfect,” Harriet encourages. “The elder Lawson would never suspect anything.”


“You’re not asking him to marry you,” she interjects. “Hell, you’re not even asking him to date you. Just to screw your brains out before you’re married off to someone the establishment chose for you.”

“So… What?” I laugh nervously. “I’m just supposed to walk up to him and ask him to sleep with me so I’m no longer a virgin? There’s no way he’ll go for that. He’s too…noble.”

“If that’s the case, it’s not because he hasn’t thought about it,” Marius states very matter-of-factly. “If I were a betting man, which I am, I’d go all in and wager he’s thought about it. A lot. Probably jerked off a time or two moaning your name.”

“Marius!” I chastise, playfully swatting him.

I have to admit, the idea of Creed thinking of me while pleasuring himself certainly turns me on. I could just picture his taut muscles, face strained as he chases his release, my name on his tongue as he comes undone.

“But in the event he is too noble…” Marius’ voice pulls me back to the present, “I’m chuffed to be your plan B. It’s an honor I take quite seriously,” he says with mock solemnity. “And should I be called upon to serve, I will deflower the fuck out of you.”

I can’t help but bark out a laugh at how ridiculous this situation is. I don’t know many normal people who would discuss propositioning someone to take their virginity.

But, as I learned years ago, I’m not a normal person.

Not anymore.

“Can we please talk about something else?” I beg, hoping to steer the conversation away from the topic of having sex…especially with Creed Lawson.

The longer we discuss it, the more I won’t be able to stop thinking about what it would be like to have his body move in time with mine. I may not have had many sexual experiences, but I know Creed. He approaches everything in life with focus and determination. I can only imagine how mind-blowing sex with him would be.

But even when Marius shifts the conversation to the breaking news story about some race car driver claiming one of the female members of his pit crew has been missing for several months and the police refuse to look into it, I barely hear a word he says.

Instead, every single thought is consumed by one man.

And it’s not the man the royal household wants me to marry.

Chapter Four


I make my way along the corridors of the palace toward my father’s office, the staff I encounter bowing as I pass. Now that my father’s home from his travels, I’m eager to speak with him, hopeful that once he learns of my grandmother’s intention for me to marry, he’ll put an end to it.

My relationship with him isn’t one I’d consider close or loving, but surely he won’t force me to get married before I’m ready. I’m not even thirty. Haven’t even begun to experience life yet.
