Page 37 of Deadly Intentions

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I fought against the trembling because that would be considered weakness in this moment. I might be a woman, and one carrying a child inside of me, but I was still the same woman I had been when I first returned to Napoli. I’d learned about knives and other forms of intimidation from the Catalanos. I’d even been made to pull the trigger on myself without knowing there wasn’t a round in the chamber.

He continued to circle around me, obviously waiting for me to speak, and I finally did. “I don’t have to prove the truth to you. I don’t owe you a damn—”

I had said too much because he stopped, yanked me against him, and when his arm came around me, he placed the knife against my throat. It was pressed so close to me that I didn’t even dare swallow for fear it would cut me.

He leaned in and licked the shell of my ear before growling. “You owe me your life, Viviana.”

I closed my eyes, mainly in an attempt to hold back the retort sitting on the tip of my tongue. Nazario tunneled his other hand into my hair and pulled my head back. He still kept the knife to my throat, but also started to kiss along my neck. Damn my traitorous body straight to hell. A moan escaped, then another, as he began to move the blade up and down a bit before yanking it away and attacking my soft flesh with his teeth.

This man could so easily control my body like a puppeteer would his toy, and even knowing that, I was powerless to stop him. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to. Being with him was different than the others. I wasn’t there out of necessity or some game. I was there because I couldn’t not be. He invoked emotions and sensations that others in the past never could, and I’d rather slit both wrists and my throat than walk away from him. Somehow, I think he knew that.

“I own you, Viviana,” he said as he pulled away from me, but still kept me within his grasp. “I own every part of you, including that twisted mind of yours. I want to know what’s in it, and why you tried to harm yourself.”

I honestly didn’t even know how to answer him, not that I was inclined to do so. I waited a few seconds, then made my move. After pushing his arm away from me, I stepped forward before responding. “I’m not a possession that can be owned. Something you can play with, then put on a shelf. I’m not a doll, or a toy, and if I was, I’d certainly never be those things for you.”

The dark look on his face only intensified, but I stood firm. This was going to end one of two ways, and as my core clenched and my panties grew damp, I truly hoped it would be that one. It honestly didn’t matter if it was the other, though. Nazario was right. I hadn’t planned to, but when opportunity struck, I took it.

Nazario did the same because he dropped the knife onto the bed and was on me in an instant. Backed up to the wall, he pinned me there, and I barely had time to do more than open my mouth before his came down hard on mine. He grabbed my face, holding it tightly between his palms so I couldn’t escape, then began to eat at my tongue and lips with his teeth. I tasted my blood, and it only made me wetter. As he kept me imprisoned, I clung to his shoulders for a few brief seconds, before dragging my long nails down his back. He brought one knee up as he deepened the kiss even more, and I grinded against him. I was practically riding his leg and knew he would feel how wet I was. I eventually brought my hands to his chest and as I ran them over all that warm, hard muscle, I let one linger on his heart. It was racing as rapidly as mine was.

When he finally tore his mouth away from mine, our eyes met, and I smirked. “You might think you own me, Nazario, but I own you, too. I have since the night you saw me with your father in the club, and even the night I returned from being with your sworn enemies. I—”

His hand came up to my throat, the tightness with which he squeezed it rendering me unable to continue. “Did you fuck those monsters when you were in Sicily this last time?” he asked, and even though my windpipe was being crushed, I still managed to smile.

He finally loosened his hold on me so I could answer him. “I didn’t fuck them then, but before...” I let my words trail off, especially when I saw how angry that made him. I leaned in and nipped his bottom lip. “Theyowned my body,” I said, making sure to place emphasis on who before I continued. “I was pure and untouched when I met them, but that all changed. I went from having one man penetrate me in a way no other had, to being passed around from one to the other. Sometimes,” I said as I dragged two fingers down his chest, “two or three of them would take me at the same time. They’d brutalize my body, owning it and me in a way you could only dream of—”

“Enough!” he barked out, and this time, I shivered.

His voice had dropped to a lethal tone that normally would’ve made others cower. I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, do that for this man. I wanted to say something to him, even though I had no idea what. I was antagonizing a man I already knew was unstable, but I fell into that category, too. Seconds later, I didn’t have to say a thing because he pulled me back into his arms. Nazario’s mouth came back down on mine, and as he kissed me, his hands savagely tore at my robe and it wasn’t long before the tattered remnants of silk were ripped from my body. The seconds quickly ticked by, and when I was lifted into his arms, I was finally about to get what my body needed so desperately.

I clung to him as he carried me over to the bed and unceremoniously dropped me down onto it. I was on my hands and knees, and that was when I saw the knife. I heard his zipper, and something occurred to me. Maybe just maybe, I was about to get something I needed even more. His words about me being nothing more than some possession, and his much earlier one about this baby came rushing back, playing over and over in my head like some broken record. When I heard his pants hit the floor behind me, I grabbed the knife.

I held it in my hand and when he went to turn my body, I lunged toward him with the blade.


“Cazzo!” I growled as I dodged her attempt to wound me. I smacked her wrist with enough force to dislodge the knife from her hands and send it clattering to the floor.

I acted without thinking as I pinned her beneath me, then covered her mouth and nose with one of my large hands and wrapping the other around her throat. Anger unlike any other raced through my bloodstream like adrenaline. Perhaps, it was partially mixed with it, because I tightened my grip as she squirmed, while never breaking eye contact with her. Viviana loved erotic asphyxiation, but this wasn’t some sexual game. I was truly pissed off. She tried to actually kill me, and might have had I not stopped her deliberate lunge.

I wanted to kill her, but I didn’t. Instead, I stole her consciousness in a way that wouldn’t result in her death. Maybe, she actually wanted to die. If so, she’d be even more pissed off that I’d thwarted this suicide mission of hers. I waited until her eyes closed as her breath left her, then moved off of her. She still had a pulse, and would wake up soon, so I sprang back into action.

I put on my pants, but didn’t bother to cover her at all as I picked her and the knife up, then carried her out to my Huracan. I didn’t have much time, so I drove straight to the underground cells my father had erected to interrogate, and oftentimes, assassinate those he took prisoner.

“I was pure and untouched when I met them, but that all changed.”

I growled again, and I wanted to eliminate the one who had. If they hadn’t done what they did, she never would’ve come back into my life. She wouldn’t have forced me to kill my father before I had been ready, and I never would’ve been tempted to take her as a wife. She also wouldn’t have gotten pregnant with either Stefano’s baby or mine. Mostly, she wouldn’t have me out here in the middle of the night trying to resist the urge to slit her throat with this knife and toss her into the fucking bay.

She also wouldn’t have my cock so damn hard I could pound nails with it.“I went from having one man penetrate me in a way no other had, to being passed around from one to the other.”The very thought of Viviana enjoying my rivals touching her was enough to seal her death warrant, and theirs, but especially when she continued to bait me.“Sometimes, two or three of them would take me at the same time.”

I could see it all so vividly. She’d ride one like she would me, as another would come up from behind. Her breasts would flatten against the other’s chest, as the second guy thrust into her tight ass. God, how she’d scream and it made my cock ache more. I needed to get to the cells before I was tempted to pull over and drag her unconscious body out onto the side of the street where I would fuck her with no regards to her pleasure or safety like they evidently had once upon a time.

“They’d brutalize my body, owning it and me in a way that you could only dream of—”I hadn’t needed to hear anything else. I knew what she was going to say, and I didn’t want to hear it then, and I sure as hell didn’t want to hear it echoing in my head now.

I finally arrived at my destination which helped silence her words and my thoughts. I carried her inside and it didn’t take long to restrain her boneless body to the iron bars of the cell. I continuously checked her pulse which was growing stronger by the minute. She’d come to soon enough, so as I waited, I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. My cock was throbbing so intensely that I knew I needed to alleviate it in some way before she woke back up.

I closed my eyes and returned to the earlier vision of her with the Catalanos. I could imagine her writhing between their bodies as her cries bounced off the walls. The other two would stand to her sides, and she’d alternate between stroking their cocks and sucking them off. I wanted to imagine that she didn’t come, but I knew she did. Viviana liked pain during sex, and men like them, me, and my father would give it to her in spades.

I understood why she sought them out before, but why did she return to them now? Viviana had to want to take me out like she had my father. I supposed, her attempt to stab me had been exactly that. I let out a string of curses. I kept thinking of this woman as the girl I knew in high school and had later seen in that New York City alley. I shouldn’t have because she had proven time and time again that she could play games with the best of them. I had deluded myself into thinking I was immune to her charms, unlike my mother was with my father.
