Page 90 of Playing with Fire

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“Tell me what I need to know,” I commanded when the silence dragged out. He gestured to the chair across from him, but I ignored him.

“Suit yourself,” he said. “I don’t have much time before the sun is set, so let’s get to this.”

I crossed my arms and watched him.

He swiped his tongue over his lips and looked back at me, a sureness on his face. “I only wish to stay in this world. Tartus has grown stifling for me. I miss this realm; before the demon took over, this was my home.”

If he was trying to pull on heartstrings he missed the mark. I blinked slowly waiting for him to add more.

“You want something from me, I need you to get something for me. I don’t wish to harm your hunter, no, I no longer have a need for the girl. The spare made sure of that with his sacrifice, stupid boy.”

A growl built inside of me and slowly leaked out, low and long. He chuckled.

“Did I forget to mention this room is spelled? You have no access to your dragon side in here, and you have no way out. If a dragon-kin can kill a demon, then I suppose we’ll find out if a demon can kill you.” He tapped his watch. “Time is ticking, you have less than five minutes to make your decision.”

“What do you want?” I shot him a venomous look. My hands dropped to my sides to form clenched fists of tension. This was no longer a simple deal. Now he had the advantage.

“I want something you can get. It is in Tartus, in the mountains of the dragon-kin—a jewel, red like a ruby, is held in a necklace in the vault. I need it. Bring it to me, and your precious hunter stays on this side of the veil.”

I dropped my hands to his desk and leaned forward into his space. “That wasn’t the deal.”

“No, but it is the price.” He leaned back away from me and folded his hands over his stomach like he held all the cards. “What do you say, dragon-kin? A tiny jewel for the life of your hunter?”

“What makes you think I can travel to Tartus and back? That I would have access to the vault?”

He lifted his eyebrows and glanced at his watch. “Tick tock, two minutes.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I know your secret. You’ll have no issue with either. One minute. Do we have a deal?”
