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I giggle at his analogy. “I can wait to grow our family, babe. This is everything I ever wanted.”

“Me too, Row. A houseful of kids who get to grow up on the ranch while I grow old with you.” Diesel leans over and nuzzles against my neck.

Butterflies stream through me as I lean into his touch. “Same, Cowboy. Also, can we wait a while before we tell everyone our news? Keep it our little secret for old times’ sake?” Truthfully, I just want confirmation from my doctor first before we tell our parents. The moment they know, the entire town will know.

He chuckles. “I’m good with that. You know we’re gonna get bombarded with questions and loads of baby stuff.”

“I know.” I sigh with an enthusiastic smile. “That’s why I kinda just wanna enjoy the news with you for a while before we share it with our families.”

“Our relationship started out a secret, so we might as well have another.” He winks with a mischievous smirk.

I kiss him deeply, and we both smile before walking back to the group. They’re happily eating and goofing off. The ring shines and sparkles, and I can’t stop staring at it as I interlock my fingers with Diesel’s. After we grab a burger and chips, we sit on a big blanket, and I lean against his chest, waiting for the firework show to begin. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, and each year the show gets bigger and better because my uncles act like they’re trying to set a Guinness Record or something.

Looking around, I’m so grateful to be able to raise a child on the ranch with my family close by. I know it’s exactly what Diesel wants, and it’s been my dream for as long as I can remember.

Before the first explosion goes off, I see Maize standing off to the side with her arms crossed, looking pissed as ever. I tell Diesel I’m gonna grab something to drink and go over to her. When I move closer, I notice how tense her jaw is and narrowed her eyes are. Holding her temper is not her strong suit.

“Everything okay?” I ask, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from Uncle Evan, who’s too close for this conversation.

She lets out a huff. “No, it’s not.”

I search her face. “What’s going on?”

“Did you see who Gavin brought with him to the party?” she asks, more irritated than when the ranch hands steal food off the buffet table.

“So? You haven’t given him a lick of attention since he moved here,” I tell her.

“That is Sarah Cooke, Rowan. She was such a bitch to me in high school. Made fun of me every single chance she got. Seeing her flirt with him makes me want to break her skull in,” she says between gritted teeth.

“Whoa there, Maze. You gotta calm your tits, or you’ll stroke out or something. Let’s get something to drink. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were envious,” I tell her with a wink, going to the lemonade and punch table. Before I can grab a cup for Maize and me, Gavin walks up. I pretend to contemplate what I want to drink as he leads Maize to the side. They’re far enough away to have some privacy, but still close enough for me to eavesdrop.

“I’ve put the pieces together, Maize,” he says in a hushed tone.

“What’re you talkin’ about exactly?” Maize asks, playing dumb. Even I know what he’s referring to. They had a one-night stand, she spent the last year avoiding him like an STD, and now that he’s brought another girl around, she’s jealous as hell.

For a moment, silence draws on between them, and I can imagine Maize’s staring him down like he’s grown a third eye. I slowly put ice cubes in some cups, taking my sweet time. It’s too easy to be nosy when they’re right there.

He chuckles, unfazed by her antics. “I’ve tamed wild horses, Maize Bishop, and I’ll tame your attitude too. I like a good challenge.”

She scoffs. “Is that a threat or somethin’?” Maybe she doesn’t notice, but I can hear the shakiness in her voice as I pour my punch.

“Not a threat, sweetheart. That’s a damn promise,” Gavin keeps his voice low, but the confidence oozes off his words before he walks away. Maize comes up to me completely infuriated.

My eyes are as wide as saucers as I glance at her, and she groans before pulling a flask from her back pocket and taking a long swig. “I hate him. I hate him so much! Egotistical, bigheaded, tight blue jean wearing bastard!”

“You forgot to say brooding and sexy as sin in there somewhere,” I say, snorting at how annoyed she is.

“He just needs to go away. I don’t shit where I eat for a damn reason, yet here I am,” she says as Gavin walks back to Sarah with a cocky grin. Maize watches them for a minute, and I swear laser beams are going to shoot from her eyes at any moment. It has me holding back laughter.
