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Whose stupid idea was this, again?

I’m so close to Jenna back here that I can barely breathe without inhaling her scent. It’s driving me wild with every single moment that ticks by. I can’t think straight.

I’m trying to focus on looking out the window, and all my brain keeps telling me is that Jenna is beside me. I could touch her thigh if I just shifted my hand a tiny bit to the left. I could shift my body a few centimeters sideways, and my arm would brush against one of her breasts.

Only I’m not going to do that because I am a professional, and this is a stakeout.

It’s just becoming increasingly difficult to remember that.

I check my watch yet again. There are still thirty minutes before Jenna’s father’s lunch break.

“Are you sure none of those cars are his?” I ask again. From our spot, we can see the entrance to the building and the parking lot from here, which isn’t huge, with the help of some ducking and leaning. He should be parked there.

“I’m sure,” Jenna replies. “He hasn’t changed his car. I saw it parked in our driveway at home a couple of days ago.”

I mull that over. There are two possibilities here. No, maybe three. The first is that he took the train, walked, or took a bus to work today, or even got a ride with a coworker.

The second is that his company asked him to work elsewhere today – another branch, maybe, a meeting with a client, or just working from home.

And the third possibility is the one that haunts me because my gut says it might be the right one. It’s possible he didn’t come to work at all today and maybe hasn’t done so for a long while.

I don’t say anything about that to Jenna just yet, though. I don’t want to worry her. And part of me really hopes that I’m wrong, and it’s one of the first two possibilities. Or perhaps he parked down the street today because the spaces were full.

I try to keep my eyes on the building, watching to see if anyone comes out, but I can feel her so close to me – the heat of her body driving me wild.

I can see her in the reflection on the window glass. I study the curve of her thigh, where it emerges from her dress just above the knee.

I need to look away, but the only place I can look other than the window means putting her in my peripheral vision anyway.

“It’s kind of boring on stakeouts,” I say to make idle conversation and by way of an apology. She must think this is so dull. Just sitting next to an old man for hours, waiting for something to happen.

“I’m not bored,” she says, and I turn to look at her in surprise.

The first thing my eyes fall on is her chest, heaving up and down with each breath, poised in the front of that dress as if it could just spill out at any second.

I swallow hard and raise my eyes to her face, subtly shifting my position to move the sleeve of my coat over my lap. That’s the second time this dress of hers has made my dick hard.

The first time, I covered it by just walking away. I have nowhere to go this time, and my dick also knows that. I swear it’s starting to lean toward her, like a flower leaning toward the sun.

“You aren’t?” I ask, my throat suddenly thick. Between the heaving breasts, the fact that she’s looking at me with intense eyes, and this little flush on her cheeks, I can’t help myself.

My eyes drop another level to her lips, and I only want to pounce on them.

“Hunter,” she says, her voice almost a whisper. I am dimly aware of her eyelashes, the way they lay like snowflakes on her delicate white skin, and the hooded look in her eyes.

Her lips partly captivate me as if she is inviting me to dive inside. My gaze moves between her lips and her eyes, her eyes and her lips.

She wants me. I can sense it. A magnetism that comes from her, a sultry heat, beckons me closer. She moves her head closer to mine, and I echo her movement, unable to resist.

There is no more resisting. Not now. Not this close.

Wrong or right, determined or not. I need her, and I need her now.

I close the distance and claim her lips with mine, their heat and softness an ample reward, enticing me to dizzying new heights. She is compliant and melting under me, her lips parting with a soft ‘oh’ of surprise and desire.

I waste no time. My hungry, eager tongue pushes into that opening and explores her mouth, my hands going up to tangle in her hair and pull her closer toward me.
