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I had my private thoughts about how I wanted it to be and how I wished it would be because I would have taken him in about any place if I could get him. But a slow, warm realization was growing inside my chest. It’s the realization that he was saying I could have him, after all.

“Then how should it be?” I ask, finding the courage in myself to be bold for just a moment.

“It should be special,” Hunter says. “Special and with someone special.”

I look at him in the mirror, chewing over the words I want to say. Is it too corny to say that I think he’s special? Too much to say that I want him to be my first? Or is he trying to say this as a gentle way to let me down, to say he thinks I should wait?

“What do you suggest on that front?” I ask because this puts the ball back in his court. He’s the older one here, after all. If he has an idea, he can come out and say it.

“I suggest you trust me if you can do that,” he says, and I see a smile curving up on his face. “Can you do that?”

“I can trust you,” I nod.

“Then let me make it special for you,” he says. “Not tonight but tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” I say, and there are mixed emotions that well up inside me. There’s a relief that he is still interested and this is still going to happen, and disappointment that it won’t be today now.

I even feel a little nervous, realizing I’m going to have time to work myself up over all of this and even talk myself out of it. But I won’t let myself do that. I can’t.

Hunter stops the car, and I realize with a jolt that we’re back at his house. I didn’t even notice the streets passing by, but here we are. I realize I have no idea what we’re going to do now, given that our idea of watching my dad’s workplace is out the window.

Hunter turns around and looks at me over the back of the car seat. “Would you like to come in?”

“Come in? Yes,” I say, wondering why he has to make it such a formal request when I’ve been inside before.

“I mean, not into the office,” he says. I remember that the rest of the building is his home, and a slight flush darkens my cheeks.

“Yes,” I repeat, finding my resolve strengthened by the thought, not weakened.

He grins and practically jumps out of the car, and before I can move further than taking my seatbelt off, he springs around and opens my door for me. Like a gentleman, he offers me his hand, and I climb out – ready to see what awaits me inside his home.



I try to remember the last time I invited someone inside my home that I’d met within the week or even within the past month or so, and I can’t get there. I don’t know if I’ve ever done it.

But as I lead her past the office and into my living area, I feel tense. I want her to see where I live and think that it’s wonderful. I need her to admire my taste in décor, how comfortable my chairs and sofa are, and to tell me she likes the wallpaper, which is ridiculous.

I want her to think well of me in all ways. I have never been insecure about something like this before – I have my own sense of style and never have any problem sticking to it.

Until now, I never cared what another person would think of it.

Thankfully, I see her glance around and smile a little as she enters, which gives me hope.

“This is so comfortable looking,” she says, looking around at everything. “I don’t know why, but I think I was expecting something a bit more… bachelor pad. You know, with spiky art pieces and everything in chrome or leather.”

I laugh. “No, I value comfort at home,” I say. “I spend a lot of time in my car or in uncomfortable places, people watching. It’s nice to come home to somewhere you can really relax.”

“I agree,” she says, and I gesture to the sofa, inviting her to sit down on it.

The back of the house, where we are now, is quiet and peaceful. There’s a small backyard with a high fence, so no one else can see into it. It’s about as private as you can get without closing the curtains. No one can see us here.

No one can hear us.

And that means we can do whatever we like – and I know exactly what I’d like to do.

I get down on my knees on the carpet in front of her. This causes her to jump and sit up straighter, looking down at me with concern.
