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“Umm…I think I might have it in my texts from Phoebe somewhere.” Focusing on Arrow, I added, “If you grab my purse out of your SUV, I can check.”

“Sure, baby.” Instead of getting up, he jerked his chin toward Kade, who went to get it for me.

While we waited for him to return, Merrick commanded, “Kade and Huntley gave me a rundown of everything Arrow told them about your situation, but I need to hear it all from you. The best way for me to make sure I don’t miss an important detail is to get the story firsthand.”

Arrow gave me a squeeze as I nodded. “I can do that.”

Before I could start, Kade returned and handed my purse to Arrow. “Here you go, Arrow.”

I pulled out my cell and did a quick search for Paul’s name in my texts. I had to scroll a bit, but eventually, I found a message with his phone number from when Phoebe and I first moved in together and made sure we had contact information for each other’s family. Turning the screen toward Merrick, I said, “I’m not sure if it’s current since I’ve never needed to call him, but this is the number Phoebe gave me for her brother.”

“It’s a good place to start.” Merrick jotted it down with a nod. “Now tell me everything you remember from the moment you opened your door.”

I was grateful to have Arrow so close as I recounted the harrowing details of what had happened. Once I was done, Merrick started to pepper me with questions.

“Did they touch anything other than you?” He glanced down at my blood-speckled sweatshirt. “Pulling fingerprints from clothing is a bitch.”

Closing my eyes, I let it all play through my head like a movie before shaking my head. “No, sorry. They didn’t come into the apartment, and I didn’t hear them rattle the doorknob before pounding on the door.”

Merrick shifted his attention to Arrow. “The brother is our best lead. We find him, and he can tell us everything he knows about his dealer.”

Arrow nodded. “Agreed.”

“We’ll give you some privacy while we get working on that. Sage looks as though she’s dead on her feet,” Huntley said as he stood. Merrick and Kade followed suit.

After I thanked the three men, Arrow walked them down to the garage. I heard the deep murmur of their voices, and then his footsteps on the stairs as he joined me again.

Stroking his hand down my back, he asked, “You want dinner before you crash?”

“I could definitely eat,” I agreed, my stomach letting out a little rumble as I realized how long it had been since I had lunch.

“You’re in luck. Merrick let me know that his wife keeps the kitchen well stocked,” he explained as he headed into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge and pantry. “And I make a mean batch of spaghetti when there’s jarred sauce and boxed pasta involved.”

“Sounds perfect to me,” I murmured.

We were mostly quiet while he pulled dinner together, but the silence wasn’t awkward at all. I appreciated that he could tell I was mentally exhausted and didn’t force me to make small talk. By the time I finished the food he put in front of me, I could barely keep my eyes open.

“How about you head to bed while I clean up?” he suggested as he began to clear the table.

Logically, I knew it wasn’t possible for anyone to know where I was, but that didn’t stop the spurt of fear from racing through my system. “Um…I know there are two bedrooms, but I’m not sure how much sleep I’ll get by myself.”

Arrow set the plates in the sink and came over to stand next to me. “You want me in the same room?”

I nodded. “There’s a king bed in the room we were in earlier, so there’s plenty of space for both of us.”

“Whatever you want, baby,” he agreed with a smile. “Go get ready, and I’ll be right behind you.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

Although I’d been the one to suggest we sleep together, I was nervous as I slid under the covers. I’d never slept with a man before, let alone wearing one of his shirts and my panties since mine were pretty much ruined. But as soon as Arrow wrapped his arms around me, the tension eased from my body because I knew I was safe with him.



I woke up from a sound sleep because my dick was so hard it was painful. Probably due to the soft, round ass pressed against it. Fuck. Sage felt amazing in my arms, her lithe body cocooned by my much bigger one. I was surprised I’d been able to sleep, much less so deeply. I’d expected to be up, wrestling with the need to fuck her all night.

She was wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts and a pair of panties, so I’d put on a pair of sweatpants, rather than sleeping in my boxers like I usually did. But with the shirt ridden all the way up to just under her breasts, her naked back was glued to my chest. And the head of my long, thick cock was poking out of the waistband of my pants, swollen and leaking from her lacy underwear abrading it.
