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What were the chances a tiny town like this one would have two gay men in it who didn’t share some kind of history?


“Never mind,” I said quickly, moving past him through the open door and into the dim light of the cabin. “It’s none of my business, and I’m dying to see this place.”

I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going when I tripped over the edge of a rug, banged my hip on a side table, and tumbled face-first into an overstuffed chair before somersaulting and hitting the floor hard.



I raced around the furniture to help Jonah. “Are you okay? What the hell happened?”

He was slumped on the floor, holding his elbow. Fat tears clung to his eyelashes, and his teeth pressed his lip as if to keep from crying out.

“Shit,” I murmured, sliding down to sit next to him. I didn’t even think twice before pulling him into my arms and onto my lap. “C’mere. I’m so sorry. I should have told you there was furniture there.”

He leaned into me and pressed his nose into my neck. I felt the warm slide of his tears hit my skin.

“’S’okay,” he said. “Just took me by surprise. Sorry.”

I held him tight and ran a hand up his back and into his hair. “You’re sorry? Why? I’m the one who should be sorry.”

“I’m overreacting. I don’t usually—”

I pulled his face out of the crook of my neck and held it between both hands. His eyes were red and wet but also bright and beautiful. He was so attractive, it made my stomach clench. “Stop,” I said gently. “You’re hurt. It’s a natural reaction. Show me your elbow. Do you think anything is broken?”

Jonah shook his head. “Just hit my funny bone really hard. Made me feel like puking.” He gave me a sheepish smile. “That would have turned you on. Admit it.”

He seemed to realize what he’d said because his cheeks turned bright red. He started to turn his head away, but I held it in place.

“I was already turned on,” I said softly.

We stared at each other in an odd kind of suspended animation before we both leaned in. When I felt the touch of his lips on mine, I groaned in relief.

Finally. Finally he was in my arms where he belonged, even if it was just for today.

I kissed him like I was only going to get this one chance. His mouth was just as eager and possessive as mine. We grabbed for each other, clashing teeth and knocking noses. I didn’t care, not one bit. I only wanted Jonah Oliver as close as I could possibly get him.

“I wanted this so much,” he admitted between kisses. “Sorry. Sorry.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Why are you sorry? I wanted you, too.”

We kissed and groped before he answered. “I didn’t mean to…” I didn’t let him finish before I kissed him again and reached for the button on his jeans.

“Can I?” I managed to ask between gasps.

He nodded, nearly knocking his head into mine. I grabbed his face again and dropped kisses all over it. His eyelids, his cheeks, his earlobes and forehead. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” I murmured into his skin. “Want you so fucking much.”

I went back to his fly. My fingers fumbled at the button and brushed against the hard bulge below. The sound of his hissing inhale turned me on even more, but we were in an awkward spot on my living room floor.

“Can I take you to bed? Please, Jonah.”

He nodded again, and I knew to dodge his head this time. It made me laugh, and he grinned sheepishly in response. “You might need hazard insurance for this,” he said, standing up and reaching his hand out to help me up, too.

I pulled him by the hand through the living room and into my bedroom, where I immediately began undressing him. My hands shook with need, but I was too turned on to be embarrassed by it.

As soon as I pulled off his thin fleece and the T-shirt beneath it, I ran my hands appreciatively over his bare chest. His skin was slightly tanned from the sun, reminding me he wasn’t from around here. No one in Alaska had a tanned chest in early June unless they’d been under artificial tanning lights.

His chest hair wasn’t very thick, but he had a sexy-as-hell happy trail leading down into his pants. I dropped to my knees to run my nose and lips through it. Jonah’s fingers sifted through my hair, clenching when I ran my hand along his dick.

I looked up and met his eyes. They were glassy and full of heat. When I peeled down his pants and underwear, I kept my eyes on his to make sure he was okay with what I was doing.
