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“Why bother? You’ll just have to run off for…something.” That sounded bitchy enough. Even though he didn’t owe me anything and acting like he did made me feel like a clingy girlfriend.

“That was uncalled for, and I’m sorry, but clearly you don’t have time for anything but sex and that’s fine with me, but not like this. So thanks but no thanks.”

Virgil and Calvin looked at each other, then back to me.

“Maisie, I’m sorry. I really am,” Virgil said, trying to take my hand.

I pulled away, not wanting him anywhere near me. “Yeah, well, whatever. Just leave me alone, okay?”

“Maisie, please. Just give me a chance to explain.”

I considered his words for a moment before looking at him again. “Fine. But make it quick. I have better things to do than sit here and listen to you lie to me.”

Virgil nodded and took a deep breath before beginning. “I know I’ve been acting strange lately, and I’m sorry. It’s just…I’ve been under a lot of stress and I took it out on you. I know that’s no excuse, but it’s the truth.”

I crossed my arms and waited for him to continue with his story. “It’s just been a lot lately, with work and everything else. I know I should have made more time for you, but I was just trying to keep my head above water. I hope you can understand that.”

I thought about his words for a moment and supposed I could understand where he was coming from. I knew what it was like to be stressed out and feel like you were drowning. “I guess I can understand that, but it still doesn’t explain why you were such a jerk.”

Virgil winced at my words, but he didn’t try to deny them. “I know. And I’m sorry. I really am. I promise it won’t happen again. I’ll make more time for you, I promise. Just please, give me another chance.”

I considered his words for a moment before sighing and relenting. “Fine. But you better keep your promise, or else.”

Virgil nodded. “I will. I swear.”

The air was tense for a few seconds, and then Virgil smiled and hell yeah, it was a beautiful sight that transformed his serious scowl into something magnificent. Too bad he was still a cocky bastard.

“Slide over,” he said and sat next to me. “Thanks. Nice to see you again. Bonnie, right?”

Shocked and uncomfortable around men she didn’t know, Bonnie nodded. “Yep. You too.” She looked over at Calvin and blushed furiously before looking down at her soda.

“Did you, uh, want to…” Bonnie’s words trailed off and she motioned to the extra seat beside her.

Calvin’s grin kicked up on one side, and I was sure that was amusement written all over his face. The cocky Ashby brothers were probably used to making women tongue-tied.

“I wouldn’t say no. It’s good to see you again, Bonnie. Maisie.”

I snorted at his charm as the feeling came over me that this wasn’t an accidental meeting. Bonnie had warned me off Virgil so I knew it wasn’t her, but the moment four drinks—not two—arrived, I knew exactly who to blame.

“Thanks. Secret agent man.”

Colby, to his credit, only shrugged and flashed a too charming smile. I respected that he didn’t deny it or pretend his loyalty was anywhere but with the Ashby family.

“Your order will be up shortly. You guys want anything?”

“Appetizer platter and a small bowl of shepherd’s pie,” Calvin said easily. “Thanks.”

“Don’t be mad,” Virgil whispered in my ear and it took all the self-control I possessed not to shiver at the feel of his warm breath on my neck, or the way his masculine scent wrapped around me.

“I’m not mad. We had a good time together.”

“Didn’t think you wanted more than a good time.” His tone was teasing and challenging.

“I don’t.” At least I didn’t think so. “But your time is way too limited to be anything other than a quick fuck and I do want more than that.”

His gaze never left mine, staring so hard like he could see all the gears churning in my head. I hoped like hell he couldn’t because my mind was a muddle of thoughts. Desire and frustration. Anger and uncertainty.

“How much more?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Conversation. Maybe a meal or two. Not a quickie in the alley because you have business to deal with.”

Virgil nodded and leaned in close, a seductive smile curving his lips into a heated grin.

“Come to my place tomorrow. I’ll put some steaks on the grill and mix up a few drinks. Bring a bikini…or not.”

I couldn’t deny that I was intrigued. Interested as hell. And desperate for another ride on his delicious cock. I should say no but like Aunt Jana said, I was young and unattached, and one more chance didn’t mean anything. Did it? The answer came quickly. Hell no.
