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“Not to butt in here,” Terry began with a smile as he clapped his hands together and slid his palm together in a circular pattern. “But I have something for you. Come with me.”

As soon as we opened the front door, a loud pounding and muffled screams came from the trunk of his car, parked less than twenty feet from the front door.

Sadie looked intrigued while Jasper looked worried. And curious, as we all approached the vehicle. Very cautiously.

“I love gifts,” Ma said in that flirtatious tone she used on almost every man in her orbit.

“This is a good one, Sadie.” Terry flashed a grin and folded his big ass biceps over his chest. “Savannah Rhymer. Spotted her just after I got Jas’s call when I was coming out of Bullets & Beer.”

“Little bitch was asking for trouble,” Sadie growled and nodded for the rest of us to follow her, not to the dining room where our interrupted dinner still sat, growing cold, but to the salon where she had a fully stocked wet bar.

“Maybe,” Terry agreed. “I didn’t harm one hair on her pretty little head. She’s pissed as fuck, but otherwise all right.”

Sadie poured whiskey into two tumblers and handed one to Terry. “Well done, Manning. Well fucking done.”

Terry winked and shook his head. “Raincheck on the drink? I hear we’ve got heads to bash tonight.”

His answer pleased Ma, and she nodded with a small smile, pouring his whiskey into her glass and drinking it down. “Later, then.”

Jasper and I both groaned at the intent in Sadie’s voice. I didn’t even want to think about that shit. Not ever. What I wanted to think about was Maisie and getting her back.

“We do have heads to bash so what the fuck are we doing sitting around?”

Jasper poured two fingers of whiskey slowly before he turned, gaze colliding with mine. “Soon brother.”

“Now,” I shot back.

“Virgil,” he snapped in that condescending way I hated down to my fucking bones. “We don’t even know where she is. When we know she’s safe you can go in and take care of things. You do want her back, don’t you? Or was that just talk?”

“It wasn’t,” I growled at him, angrier at myself than my brother because I knew he was right. I should have been more careful with Maisie, and I definitely shouldn’t have taken her out in public like she was my fucking woman. It was as good as putting a target on her back.

I raked a hand through my hair and sighed, wondering if Maisie would ever forgive me for getting her mixed up with The Crusaders. Not that it mattered. I didn’t forgive myself and she didn’t deserve this. Not any of it.

“Fuck!” I made a vow, then and there, that when Maisie was safe and The Crusaders were dealt with, I would walk away. I had to.

“I have some news.” Cal strolled in with his gaze fixed on the gadget he held in one hand while the other tapped and slid across the screen. “Oh hey, Terry. What are you doing here?”

“Brought your ma Savannah Rhymer.” His shit eating grin relieved some of the tension in the air.

Cal nodded and looked over at me. “Cool. Virg, did you know that Maisie is from a biker family? Like a fucking biker club family?”

I blinked at his words. She mentioned a brother and his wife and lots of aunts and uncles. I shook my head. “No.”

Was this some kind of double cross? Would our rescue turn into an ambush?

Everyone seemed oblivious to my inner turmoil, and I was damn grateful for it, especially my kid brother with a one-track mind.

“Her brother Gunnar used to be VP of Reckless Bastards, Mayhem Chapter. His mom died and he took custody of Maisie, leaving the MC and moving to a small town in Texas. Opey. Where he is now President of the Opey Chapter of the Reckless Bastards.”

Cal stopped to suck in a breath, eyes lit with excitement. “Maisie currently lives with one known Bastard. One suspected, Charlie. And one suspected prospect, Jameson.”

“Good Irish names,” Sadie said and took another sip of whiskey. “I know you’re worried, Virgil, but this means that Maisie was raised to handle herself. She’s tough despite being a college girl.”

Despite what Ma said, I could see the pride shining in her eyes. Maisie just went up a hundred points in her eyes.

“I’m not worried,” I said, nodding slowly.

“Sure you are, and that’s all right.” Her soft tone and gentle hand on my shoulder wasn’t what I needed right now. As if she understood, she turned back to Calvin.

“Get me the number of Cross Wiley. I believe he still runs the Mayhem Chapter. We used to know each other quite well back in the day.”

“Not gonna touch that,” Calvin grumbled as one hand flew over the screen. It always looked like magic or bullshit, but Calvin always came through. Always.
