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She turned her big blue eyes up at me, silently pleading with me to be patient.

Patience wasn’t a trait that came naturally to me. “Does that time need to be spent away from me?”

Her lips curled into a sexy grin I couldn’t resist, dipping in to take a quick kiss that left me breathless.

“Well, I was hoping we could find creative ways to help me start to believe it.”

Hell yes. “We can do that,” I said, a grin forming ear to ear.

My words seemed to provide her with some kind of relief because her muscles relaxed and she grabbed one of my hands and slid it up her thigh until my hand butted up against the damp fire between her thighs.

“Fuck yeah, we can do that.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” she whispered on a giggle, the sound I loved more than any but her erotic cries. “I do want you, Virgil.”

“Good. Because I meant it when I said I want you, Maisie.”

She slid onto my lap and wrapped her arms around me with a smile, saying nothing as she lowered her lips to mine. The kiss went on and on, hot as fuck as she rocked back and forth against my cock, licking my teeth and nibbling my tongue.

I was moments away from stripping her naked and sliding into her hot beautiful cunt when the door flew open. My hand instantly went to my gun and aimed it at the door, which only intensified Bonnie’s screams. Bonnie, who was always fucking around lately.

“Maisie! My God, Maisie, Wyatt,” she cried.

Maisie flashed me an apologetic look and sighed.

“Bonnie, what did he do now?” That tone and the question told me I wanted no part of this conversation but I’d probably scar the girl if I stood up with a massive hard-on.

H-H-He’s dead,” she stammered out. Instantly, she had my attention.

“What?” Maisie jumped up and rushed to the door to be with her friend.

“Apparently, his remains were found inside some house that exploded. They won’t tell me anything cause I’m not related, but it has to be a faulty gas line, right? Right?”

Her tears and shrieks grew to an annoying level and my eyes widened in Maisie’s direction. “How can he be dead?”

Maisie sighed. “I’m so, so sorry, Bonnie. Come on in,” she said softly and pulled Bonnie into her arms for a long affectionate hug. “There’s something I need to tell you. I was hoping I’d never have to but…well, here we are.”

My interest was piqued. It sounded like some type of confession was about to go down and it sounded like some shit I might need to hear. Bonnie nodded.

“Okay but please, Maze, spare me the talk of what a d-bag he was. He’s dead. Dammit! He’s dead!”

Maisie nodded, but I noticed she didn’t agree. “And I’m sorry that his death is making your hurt so bad, Bonnie. I love you, but I have to tell you the truth.”

“And it needs to happen now?” she said over wracking sobs.

“Yes, dammit. It does.” This was a different side of my girl; one I hadn’t seen before. “Listen to me! When I jumped out of that window, I saw Wyatt.”

“What do you mean, you saw him? Where?”

Maisie sighed and pushed a hand through her hair. “At that house when I got kidnapped. I jumped off the second floor, and I saw him through a window on the ground floor when I landed. He was doing some kind of drugs with two skeezy girls.” She gave Bonnie a look of concern.

Now I wondered who this Wyatt character was. Was he a Crusader? Fuck, they might be all over Glitz by now.

“You’re lying!” Bonnie screeched.

“Bon, please listen to me. I saw him, he was there.” Maisie said as she reached up and wiped the tears rolling down Bonnie’s face with her thumbs.

“Are you sure? Two girls? At the brothel slash crack house?” Bonnie asked and Maisie nodded. “Not doing the volunteer work that kept him so busy,” she bawled.

“One of the girls was blowing him and the other was shooting him up. He seemed happy; not like he was there against his will.”

Maisie’s words triggered a flash of a memory of some dude sitting in the front room of the house and the two whores with him. He refused to leave until his hour was up, and he had a fat stack of dope so the girls stayed too and when the house went boom, they all went to pieces.

“My. God.”

Bonnie’s cries turned into harsh, gasping sobs, so strangling I thought she might stop breathing. “Why wasn’t I enough? Why couldn’t he just walk away when he clearly didn’t want me?”

More tears came, this time they were gut-wrenching, and I felt Bonnie’s pain. Deeply. Viscerally.

“Screw that, Bon, you are more than enough. Maybe now that the dickhead is gone, you’ll finally start to believe it.”
