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“Ma’am we have a warrant for your arrest.” At the words spoken by the older female detective, all the air left my lungs.

I wanted to say something, to do something to stop them from taking her away but my throat had closed up and my limbs felt like lead.

The detectives approached Bonnie with caution, like she was a wild animal that might attack at any moment.

“Are you crazy? What is she being arrested for?”

“Maisie.” Virgil grabbed my arm and shook his head.

Jasper stood and faced the detective. “I’d like to see the warrant.” They handed it over, and he read it with a laugh.

“Murder? For fuck’s sake,” he growled. “They think she killed Father Eric Maloney.” He snorted his disgust one final time and stepped aside.

“I didn’t kill anyone!” Bonnie cried out, “You’re lying!”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Gently, they placed handcuffs on her wrists and led her out of the house.

“You have the right to remain silent…”

The door closed behind them, cutting off the rest of the Miranda Rights, but I didn’t need to hear them to know Bonnie was in a lot of trouble.

Sadie turned to me. “Don’t worry about a thing Maisie. Jasper will have our lawyers down there by the time she gets to the station.” She nodded at Jasper, who was already speaking softly into the phone. “And if Bonnie is their best suspect, it means they have absolutely no evidence. They’ll scare the hell out of her but she’ll be fine.”

I wanted to believe her. I really did. But Bonnie’s wide eyes and frantic pleas echoed in my head.

What if they convict her of something? What if she goes to prison for a crime she didn’t commit?

I shivered, despite the warm summer night. It felt like ice was running through my veins.

This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t.

And what did Sadie know about evidence? Did Sadie know something about the murder? Or was she just trying to make me feel better?

I didn’t know what to believe anymore. I didn’t know anything.

Except that Bonnie was in a lot of trouble. And it was all my fault. She barely knew these people.

I was the one who introduced her to the Ashby's.

So, I’d have to be the one to get her out.

Or die trying.
