Page 13 of One More Chance

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“And it still makes him pout every year,” Bree teased.

Beside him, Sienna laughed, a sexy, throaty sound that had Mick stopping himself from doing something stupid—like reaching over and touching her to make sure she was real.

Because... yeah. He was still a little shocked that she was here and sitting beside him.

Gently clearing his throat, he asked, “Duke University? That’s in North Carolina, right?”

She nodded.

For years he’d teased the guys in Shaughnessy about how most of them made their permanent homes there or purchased vacation homes, but suddenly, he was seeing the appeal.

“Do you spend any time in North Carolina?” she asked.

Reaching for his wine, he nodded. “As a matter of fact, I do. Riley Shaughnessy, Julian Grayson, and Matt Reed all have houses on the coast there. Last weekend, they did a small show there, and I was in town for it.”

“Too bad you’re not closer to the coast,” Bree said to her sister-in-law. “Just knowing the guys of Shaughnessy live there would have me visiting you constantly!”

“Good grief, Bree.” Sienna laughed. “Aren’t you a little old to be stalking rock stars?”

“Never too old,” she replied with a wink. “Besides, it’s not like I’m really stalking. I’m just someone who loves their music and wants them to know how much it’s meant to me over the years!”

“But from a respectable distance, right?” Sienna said with a wink of her own.

“I know you think it’s weird and you’d never do anything like that, but...” She shrugged. “I don’t see anything wrong with gushing over someone or a group of someones who are incredibly talented and whose music brings joy to millions of people.”

Fortunately, the conversation moved on after that as they all finally looked at their menus.

They ordered appetizers and dinner, and the conversation flowed. It was great catching up with Jason and hearing about his work in the finance industry, his life with Bree and their three kids. He was about to ask if Sienna was married or had kids, but...

“And they love their Aunt Sienna,” Bree said. “You are their favorite!”

“Well, I adore them,” Sienna replied. “And they let me be the fun one without all the responsibility! I get my baby-fix in, and could get them all sugared up and wound up and then leave.” She winked at her brother. “You’re welcome.”

“I would just like to note that if I was the single one, and you had kids, that I would not do that to you,” Jason teased.

“I don’t believe that for a second. It’s the right of the aunt—or uncle. You can deny it all you want, but that’s the way it is.”

“But if you did have kids...” Jason started, and Sienna cut him off.

“I believe that ship has sailed,” she said, and it hit Mick how he had said the same exact thing for the same exact reason just a few days ago.

For the rest of the meal, they talked about everything from food to travel and somehow ended back on music.

Not by his choice.

As soon as they had finished dessert, Bree picked up her phone and frowned. “I hate to say it, but we need to get going. Tomorrow’s a work and school day, and I promised the babysitter we wouldn’t be home too late.”

Jason went to pay the check, but Mick reached for it first. “Go,” he said. “I’ve got this.”

“Mick, you don’t need to...”

He held up a hand to stop him. “Please, you saved me from a night at home by myself, so... this one’s on me.”

Beside him, Sienna was still sipping her cappuccino, and he took that as a sign that maybe she wasn’t ready to leave yet.

“I hope the two of you don’t rush off on our account,” Bree said as she stood and slid her coat on. “It was so nice to meet you, Mick.”

He stood and kissed her on the cheek before shaking Jason’s hand. “Thanks again,” he murmured.
