Page 15 of One More Chance

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Well... his arm.

His skin was warm and there were muscles under the expensive shirt—muscles she’d love to explore more in private. She heard his soft hiss of breath and when she looked up and met his gaze, it was just as heated as she knew her own was. It was like they were the only ones in the room, but she was smart enough to know they weren’t. So she pushed the sexier images aside and decided to discuss this logically with him.

“Look, the last time you and I saw one another, I basically threw myself at you.”


“But,” she interrupted, “I realized almost immediately how wrong that was of me to put you on the spot like that. Even though I was graduating high school two years early, I was still only sixteen and there was no way I could go with you.”

That seemed to make him relax a little.

Squeezing his bicep, she added, “The attraction is still there, though.” Slowly, she pulled her hand away and it was more like an inviting caress. “Of course, I’ll understand if you turn me down. After all, I have no idea what’s going on in your life or if you’re involved with anyone. But from the way the conversation went tonight, it didn’t sound like you were. Still, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. But... I’ve got two weeks with nothing to do and I just thought maybe tonight you and I could...” She paused and hoped she was giving him a sexy look. “Find something to do.”

Her heart was hammering so hard that she almost thought she was going to be sick. Her palms felt a little clammy and right now she felt like she couldn’t sit still. She’d never been this bold—this sexually blunt—before, and she wasn’t sure if what she was saying came across as seductive or pathetic.

Please be seductive...

Mick’s expression was unreadable, and Sienna was just about to backtrack and say she was just joking when he reached for his wallet. His eyes never left hers as he threw a wad of cash down on the table and held out a hand to her. “Let’s go.”

It was crazy to be this giddy, and yet... she was.

With her hand in his, Sienna did her best not to appear too anxious. They casually made their way across the dining room and down the stairs. Mick stopped and tapped out a text to someone, and she was mildly curious.

“A car,” he told her before she could ask. “It’s too cold out to walk.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to say she didn’t care about the cold, she just wanted to get back to the hotel as soon as possible.

“Do you mind if we go to my place?” he asked.


“Where are you staying?”

“The Marriott,” she told him. “It was only a ten-minute ride here and...”

He tugged her in close and she felt herself gasp. The hunger in his gaze made her feel a little weak. “We’ll pick up your things tomorrow,” he said gruffly. “Will that work?”

All she could do was nod because this had been such a long-time fantasy of hers that she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize it.

She had no idea what she expected, but this wasn’t it. Maybe. She thought there’d be a little more back and forth; more discussion. She never thought he’d simply take charge of the situation. If anything, she thought that by being the one to put the offer on the table, that she’d be the one in charge. But she had to admit that she liked where this was going and liked how some decisions were simply taken out of her hands.

In fact, she liked it a lot.

His arm banded around her waist and as she looked up at him, she almost begged him to kiss her. Instead, Mick rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “Soon.”

Loosening his hold on her, he took her hand in his again and led her outside to wait for his car. No doubt it would be a few minutes because there was a ton of traffic, but Mick simply kept walking down the sidewalk.

“Shouldn’t we wait?” she asked.

“No need. He’s here.” He stepped up to a black SUV and opened the door for her.

Climbing in, she was suddenly nervous.

This was it. She was finally going to be alone with Michael Tyler.

Not Mick. Michael.

Although... maybe it would be better for her to think of him as the man he is now rather than the boy she remembered. Since this was going to be relegated to the fling category, it would probably be best if she didn’t let nostalgia and her girlhood crush factor into this.
