Page 21 of One More Chance

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“Wait... seriously? You want to go to Memphis and visit Elvis Presley’s home?”

She nodded. “I’ve always loved his music.”

“Oh, I remember,” he said with a small laugh. “I thought it was just a phase.”

“Nope,” Sienna replied firmly. “Still love his music and I’ve always wanted to go and take the tour, but I felt silly going alone.”

“Then we’ll go to Graceland,” he said before kissing her forehead.

“Just like that? No... planning? No making calls? Just... we’re going?”

“Yeah. Why?”

Her mouth opened and shut several times before she frowned. “That almost seems too easy.”

“It’s not like we’re looking for a private tour or any kind of preferential treatment. It’s just a matter of us getting there and having a place to stay. No big deal.” He kissed her again. “Where else?”

“Where else?”

He nodded. “I’m guessing that Graceland wasn’t the only place you wanted to see. What’s next on your list?”


“Sienna...” he mimicked.

“ Grand Canyon.”


Her brows furrowed as she thought for a moment. “The Vegas Strip.”


“The Hollywood Walk of Fame.”

“Done.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he added, “And then we can stay at my place in Malibu for a few days. Unless we have time to see more. Are there any other places you’d like to see?”

“This is ridiculous!” she said with exasperation. Sitting up, she clutched the blanket to her chest. “We can’t possibly do all of that in two weeks! It’s too much! And we’d have to work out airline tickets and plan out all the logistics just can’t be done!”

“Agree to disagree,” he said casually. “If you’re not up for it...”

Her eyes narrowed slightly at the challenge. “Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco,” she blurted out. “And Alcatraz.”

“Naturally. You can’t do San Francisco without going to Alcatraz,” he teased. “Anything else?”

“Disneyland.” Her expression turned a little smug. “But I don’t see how you’re going to make all of that happen in two weeks. It’s not possible. I don’t care how great you think you are with booking tours for your rock stars, this isn’t the same thing. You don’t book tours on a whim. You know all that planning takes time, so...while I appreciate the way you’re encouraging me to do some fun things, we both know it’s never going to happen.”

Rolling toward her again, he couldn’t help but grin as he tugged her back down beside him. “That sounds like a challenge, my sweet Sienna.”

“Does it?”

“Definitely. And there’s something you should know about me,” he said gruffly, as he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her throat before moving down to nuzzle her magnificent breasts.

“O... oh?” she panted.

“I love a challenge,” he said before teasing one nipple as he maneuvered them into a more comfortable position. “Practically thrive on them.”
