Page 22 of One More Chance

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“Rea... really?”

God, how he loved making her squirm like this.

“Yeah. Really.” Slowly, he rolled her beneath him and settled between her thighs and it felt like heaven. “Challenge accepted, Sienna. What do I get if I make it all happen?”

Her eyes went wide as he began to move against her. With a throaty moan, her back arched. “Anything you want...”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” he whispered before claiming her lips with his.

She wrapped those silky limbs around him, lifting her hips in silent invitation.

One that he readily accepted.

Sex was something Mick always found enjoyable, but he’d never felt a connection like the one he and Sienna had right now. It seemed to heighten all his senses and everything just felt like...more.

Her nails scoring down his back felt amazing.

The feel of her legs wrapped around him was incredible.

And the taste of her—every single inch of her—was decadent.

She was essentially giving him two weeks, and he already knew it wasn’t going to be enough. He’d waited a lifetime for this woman and now that he finally had her—and not just here, naked in his bed—but back in his life, he knew he wasn’t going to want to let her go.

“Mick,” she panted when he broke the kiss. “I need...I want...”

“Tell me,” he said with a rough growl as he entered her. “Tell me.”

“This,” she said with a throaty moan. “So much this.”

Yeah, he would never tire of hearing her talk like that. He wanted to show her how much he wanted her, needed her, craved her. Wanted to show her how much he’d missed her.

But more than anything, he wanted to make sure that she wanted, needed, and craved him just as much.

And if that meant making love to her all night long and then taking her on the trip of a lifetime so she could see all the places she always wanted to see, then he was going to make it happen.

He hadn’t failed at anything he’d set his mind to, and there was no way he was going to start now.


It didn’t seem possible, but at seven the next morning, Sienna was walking back into her hotel room and packing her things. She had already planned to checkout that day, but she had also planned on getting some sleep before doing so.

At her original plans.

She and Mick possibly dozed for an hour—maybe two—tops, throughout the night, and instead of feeling tired, she was energized.

And extremely satisfied.

Letting out a shaky breath, she glanced around the room and made a quick mental plan to get everything packed in an orderly fashion in the next fifteen minutes.

“I think that might be pushing my skills a bit this morning,” she murmured before taking a sip of her coffee. That was definitely a necessity in the morning for her and she made the stop at the hotel Starbucks to grab a cup before coming up to her room.

Mick had his driver bring her here while he took care of packing his things and finalizing travel plans. She still didn’t believe he was going to accomplish all that he was bragging about, but she was sure whatever he came up with was going to be fine.

Moving around the room, she began collecting her things and placing them neatly and systematically into her suitcase. This was all of her clothes for the conference, and most were going to need to go through the laundry. Hopefully they’d stay someplace that offered that service. Still, the thought of lugging dirty clothes all over the country made her twitch a little. She’d need to ask Mick about making a pit stop so she could take care of it.

Walking over to the closet, she pulled out the second suitcase that was actually packed for the vacation part of her trip. Opening it, she glanced at everything she had in there and pulled out a pair of jeans, a sweater, and knew she could stick with the boots she wore last night.

“Thank God I’m an over packer, otherwise we’d have to add shopping to one of our stops.” No doubt Mick wouldn’t have a problem with it, but she hated the thought of missing out on doing something fantastic because she needed to run into Target to buy extra clothes.
