Page 29 of One More Chance

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To what end?

Yeah. That.

There was a very real possibility that this was all going to be temporary; that at the end of the two weeks, Sienna was going to walk away and go back to her life without giving him a second thought.

It would kill him.

Over the years, he has mastered the art of hiding his emotions or keeping his feelings to himself, but just like she had been bold and honest with him last night after dinner, he felt like he should be doing the same. What was the point in keeping how he felt about her to himself? He did that twenty-three years ago and all it accomplished was him not having her in his life all this time. He was getting too old to play games and pretend that he didn’t know what he wanted when he totally did.

He wanted Sienna.

He’d always wanted Sienna.

And he had two whole weeks to prove to her that what they have was real.


Memphis and Graceland had been a hit. It had been amusing watching Sienna gush and spout all kinds of Elvis trivia. He’d remembered her being a fan back when they were younger, but he’d seriously misjudged just how zealous she was about The King.

They’d walked around holding hands and even he had to admit that he learned a thing or two. It was a lot of information and basically after touring the house and the grounds it was a lot of hocking of merchandise, but he had enjoyed watching her buy t-shirts and a few tacky souvenirs. But mostly, Mick enjoyed watching the look of pure joy on her face. The transformation he saw in less than twenty-four hours had been amazing. She was relaxing and unwinding, and it did his heart good to know he played a part in that.

“Should we drop off the luggage first or go straight to shopping?” he asked once they were done with the tour.

“I know the hotel is right next door, but I think if we go in, I won’t want to leave,” she said with a small laugh. “So let’s go so I can get what I need and then we can check in at the hotel and just relax.” Smiling at him, she asked, “Do they have room service?”

“They do. And I booked a suite so there will be plenty of room for us to sprawl out and eat rather than having to sit on the bed.”

“Hmm...sometimes eating in bed isn’t a bad thing...”

Reaching over, he took her hand in his. “Sure, now you tell me.”

The drive was short and most of it was filled with Sienna gushing about the day and Mick was more than happy to sit back and listen to her ramble on and on about all of it. “When we get to the hotel, I’m going to send a bunch of pictures to Eleanor.”

“What about Jason and Bree?” he carefully asked. “I know your sister-in-law is a huge music fan, but I don’t think she mentioned whether or not that included Elvis.”

“Um...I’m not sure and I’m also not sure I want to say anything to them yet.”

He didn’t need to ask why, and he completely understood.

Sort of.

They pulled up to Nordstrom’s in their rental car and when he parked, she looked at him nervously. “Um...okay. I’ll probably need an hour so...”

He shut off the car and smiled at her. “I’m not waiting in the car for an hour. Come on. Let’s go shop.”


But he wasn’t going to be swayed. Once they were both out of the car, he took her by the hand and led her inside, where their personal shopper was waiting.

“Good evening, Mr. Tyler, Ms. Ashley,” the woman said with a smile. “My name is Tatianna, and I’ll be assisting you.”

He felt more than saw Sienna’s stare. “What did you do?” she hissed.

“Tatianna,” he said, reaching out to shake her hand. “We appreciate you making the time for us. Ms. Ashley and I are embarking on a two-week trip, and I know she has a list of things she’s going to need.”

“It’s not a list,” she sharply corrected. “There were just a few items...”

Tatianna smiled at them both before focusing on Sienna. “I’ll be happy to help you find everything you need no matter how long or short the list.”
