Page 30 of One More Chance

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“Thank you so much,” he replied smoothly before taking a step away. “I’ll be browsing and let’s say we meet back here in an hour?”

Sienna was still glaring at him, but once she turned toward Tatianna, she was all smiles. “Yes, thank you. Let’s get started.”

Mick watched them walk away before making his way around the store. Truth be known, there were a few things he could probably pick up for himself and before he knew it, he had several packages of his own. It had been a long time since he’d shopped for himself like this, and it wasn’t nearly as painful as he thought it would be.

He glanced at his watch and saw it had almost been an hour, and when he looked up, he saw Sienna walking toward him with several bags of her own. She gave him a shy smile.

“Did you get everything?” he asked, kissing her cheek.

“Yes. Probably more than I really needed, but Tatianna is very good at her job, so...”

“I’d offer to help with the bags, but as you can see, I did a little shopping for myself too.”

“You don’t need to wait on me,” she gently chided. “I think what you pulled off here was more than enough.”

That pleased him.

Together they walked out to the car and got everything loaded in the backseat since the trunk held all of their luggage. It wasn’t until they were pulling out of the parking spot that she spoke again.

“I didn’t expect you to pay for all of this,” she said, her tone a little less soft than it was a few minutes ago. “I am more than capable of buying my own clothes.”

“No one said you weren’t. But...” he said quickly, before she could argue, “I was the one who put our plans into play with no real time for you to plan, so I felt I should do this.”

“You’re already refusing to let me pay for any of the hotels, or flights, or food, or...”

“Okay, okay, okay, I get what you’re saying, but you have to know that this is just who I am.” He shrugged. “Ask anyone.”

“Hard to ask anyone when we don’t know the same people,” she muttered.

Neither said another word until they got to the hotel. Mick handled getting all of their luggage and bags up to the room. No sooner were they alone than Sienna excused herself and walked to the bathroom with several of her shopping bags. He heard the door click shut and he let out a long breath.

“Shit.” He knew she was going to be annoyed with him, but he seriously hoped he hadn’t overstepped in any way and now she was going to be pissed at him. How awful would that be if he ruined everything on day one of their trip?

Still, he didn’t want to bother her and figured the smart thing to do was let her have some time to herself. They’d been inseparable since dinner last night, so he completely understood if she needed some alone time to simply either calm down or just not have him right there beside her.

It was something that occurred to him earlier today. Normally he was someone who enjoyed having a little solitude. Even when he was on tour with one of his bands, he always made time throughout the day where he could be by himself with no one talking to him. That wasn’t going to happen for two weeks and instead of irritating him, he was actually looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know Sienna well enough to know her feelings on this particular subject. Did she enjoy being alone? Or did she prefer being surrounded by friends or colleagues?

“We’re definitely going to find out,” he whispered before he heard the bathroom door open. Not wanting to appear too anxious, Mick walked over to the bar and picked up the room service menu. “Are you hungry? We should probably order dinner soon because we’ll be out of here early tomorrow.”

Behind him, Sienna gently cleared her throat and when he turned to look at her, the menu fell from his hands.

“Ho-ly shit...”

Her smile was slow and sexy as hell. “You like?” She was standing in the doorway between their bedroom and living room area of the suite wearing scraps of red silk.

Swallowing hard, Mick tried to find the right words to describe how he felt about what she was wearing. The word like didn’t even come close.

Slowly, he stalked toward her, his hands itching to touch her. “Is this what you needed to shop for?” he asked gruffly.

Biting her lip, she nodded. “That’s why I didn’t let you send someone else to shop for me. I needed to pick things out for myself.”

“And judging by the number of bags you had, I’m guessing there’s more than this set?”

Again, she nodded. “I didn’t only buy lingerie, but it was my primary purchase.”

When he was standing in front of her—close enough to touch—he grinned. “Is it wrong how much I love that you did this?”
