Page 33 of One More Chance

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His phone rang and he seemed relieved to not have to answer her.

“Dylan! Hey! What’s up?”

Sienna gave him a little space and if she had to guess, the Dylan he was speaking to was from Shaughnessy.

“So you’re all together?” she heard him ask.

After listening to the way Bree had talked over dinner the other night, Sienna wasn’t sure if she’d be any different if she met any of Mick’s famous clients. She’d never met any celebrities and in her mind she thought she’d be completely unaffected should the opportunity ever present itself, but she had to admit when he was on the phone with Riley the other day, she had felt a little giddy.

Just like she was now.

Oh, I a fangirl too?

Her initial response was, Don’t be ridiculous, she couldn’t be sure.

They pulled up to the hotel five minutes later and she heard Mick say, “We can meet for drinks up in our suite, but I’ll call you back and let you know for sure. Thanks, Dylan!”

Sliding his phone back into his pocket, he smiled before they climbed from the car.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask dozens of questions, but instead, she took in the gorgeous hotel lobby and watched the eclectic group of people walking around.

Check in was incredibly efficient and their room was ready, so they were able to go over to the elevators and go right up. She figured the room would be a little more upscale than your typical hotel one, but she was sorely mistaken.

“This is where you think regular people stay?” she asked when he opened the door. Stepping inside, Sienna was fairly certain her jaw was on the floor. “Do you have any idea how regular people live anymore?”


It was a suite with the most luxurious accommodations she’d ever seen. There was a bedroom with a king-sized bed, a living room, a separate media room, a billiard table and a bar area. You almost didn’t have to leave the room if you didn’t want to.

She moved around the suite taking it all in and almost had to stop and pinch herself. There was taking a little time for yourself and then there was living like...well...a rock star. There was a time when she and Mick were equals—they’d grown up in the same small town and had the same set of morals and values—but the way he lived was so much more than she ever could have imagined. She knew it would be fine for this little two-week break from reality, but there was no way she’d ever feel comfortable living like this all the time. It was just all...too much.

“You’re frowning,” Mick said, interrupting her thoughts. “If you don’t like the room, we can change it.”

The thought was too preposterous, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Not like it?” she repeated. “How could anyone not like staying in a room like this?”

“O-kay...” he said slowly as he walked toward her. “Then...why the face?”

How did she even begin to explain it to him?

Taking his hand, Sienna led him over to the monstrous sofa and sat down. “I think it’s wonderful that you’ve made such a success of your life that this is all normal to you. But you have to know that it’s not like that for everyone. I look at this and, while it’s all beautiful, it’s a bit...overwhelming.” She squeezed his hand. “I don’t need all of this, Michael. I’m happy just to be with you. Hell, I’d be happy if we were staying at a Holiday Inn because I’d be there with you.” With a sad smile, she added, “I love that you want to do all of this for me, but...I’m not used to it and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”

He looked at her as if she were crazy.

“I’m not a celebrity, I don’t hang out with celebrities.” She shrugged. “I’m just an ordinary girl who lives a normal life.”

Now he looked panicked.

“Um...excuse me for a minute. I just need to go and make a call...”

“Mick?” Reaching out to him before he got up and walked away, she gently tugged him back beside her. “What’s going on?”

“The call I got in the limo? That was Dylan Anders; you know, the bassist from Shaughnessy.”

She nodded.

With a nervous laugh, he went on. “So, um...small world...he and the guys are in town, along with their wives. It was a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing and he was calling to see if I wanted to fly in and join them and I sort of told him we were here and invited them to join us for drinks.” Pausing, he seemed to be unsure of what he should do or say. “I’ll just tell them we can’t do it. I really should have talked to you about it first.”

She eyed him warily. “Why are they all here a group? I thought they were on hiatus or something.”
