Page 35 of One More Chance

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“Come on,” Savannah said. “I’m sure you have more questions about Mick. So before the guys come back in here, you better ask them.” Then she winked and took a sip of her wine.

“I don’t know...I feel like you’ve already shared so many stories about him and I’ve witnessed firsthand just how crazy organized he is.”

“You don’t have to be shy with us,” Vivienne told her. “You’ve got to be curious about his personal life. And believe me, because the guys are so close with him, we’ve gotten to know that part of his life too.”


“He rarely dates,” Paige volunteered. “I mean, he dates, but it’s rare that he brings anyone around more than once.”

Everyone seemed to nod at that.

“I think it’s because he likes his privacy,” Savannah said. “But lately he’s just seemed a little...lost. Sad. So maybe he’s not loving being alone like he thought he once did.”

Sienna nodded this time because it was something she and Mick had already talked about, but she didn’t feel right about sharing that with the girls.

However, she did have a question.

“Okay, so...Mick was on the phone with Riley while we were on the plane the other morning and now you all just happen to be here in Vegas. I know some things are just a coincidence, but...”

“Oh, this totally isn’t a coincidence,” Paige said and then giggled.

“Yeah, it was my idea to make up a fake conference just in case Mick asked,” Vivienne added.

Savannah raised her hand. “As soon as Mick mentioned that he was going to be traveling for a few weeks with a woman from his past, I was all over that! My husband cannot keep a secret to save his life, so once he told me, I called the girls we are!”

“Thank God for grandparents who are willing to babysit on short notice,” Paige said. “Dylan’s folks absolutely love coming and spending time with our boys.”

“How many do you have?” Sienna asked.

“Two,” Paige replied with a smile. “Daniel is four and Jonny just turned one.”

“They are the absolute cutest!” Vivienne said.

“My folks were already visiting us,” Savannah said, “so it was easy for us to get away.” She grinned. “I hope you’re not freaked out by all of this. It’s just...well...Mick’s family. Even to Vivienne.”

“Well, now he is,” Vivienne agreed.

“We’re all very close,” Savannah went on. “And for Mick to willingly take some time off and to be traveling the way he has planned, I just knew that you were someone we were going to want to meet.”

Sienna felt herself blush. “I hope I’m not a disappointment. I mean...I’m probably the least likely person you ever imagined for Mick,’s only two weeks, so...”

“Wait,” Charlotte said. “Only two weeks? The two of you are just going to do this trip and say goodbye?”

“Oh, um...we...we haven’t really talked about it, life is back in Durham and Mick’s got a life on the West Coast and...”

“Okay, okay,” Savannah diplomatically interrupted. “No need to put any pressure on anyone.” She smiled at Sienna. “Just know that we think the world of Mick and even though I can’t speak for everyone and I know we just met, but...I think you’d be good for him. He deserves to be happy and to have a life of his own.”

“Agreed,” Vivienne said.

“Same,” Paige said.

They grew quiet for a moment until it became obvious the guys were coming to join them.

“I think we need to make some dinner arrangements,” Dylan said as he strolled in and immediately walked over to his wife and gave her a very passionate kiss.

“You get used to it,” Charlotte said from beside her. “Those two can’t keep their hands off each other. Trust me when I say we’ve all seen a little too much at times.”

Giggling, all Sienna could do was nod. Mick came and sat beside her and wrapped his arm possessively around her. “Having a good time?” he murmured as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
