Page 47 of One More Chance

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“I didn’t reach out,” he said wearily. “I just happened to glance at my emails.”

“And yet here we are talking.” With a small laugh, she went on. “Come on, Mick. Surely you can spare an hour tonight to just go and listen to him and talk to him for ten minutes. Then, if you’re not interested, everyone can move on. Dex is a good guy and he thinks really highly of Simon.”

He thought about his and Sienna’s plans for tonight, and all they were going to do was play tourists and find someplace to eat when they were hungry. They didn’t have dinner reservations anywhere and he supposed it wouldn’t be the worst thing for them to take an hour or two to listen to some music.

“I’m not committing to this yet,” he stated. “I was serious when I said I’m on a break, and Sienna and I already have plans. If she doesn’t mind, then we’ll go.”

“I just emailed you the information and Dex’s number so you can get in with no hassle,” she said. “Call me later to confirm so I can handle things on my end.”

“Fine. But after this, no more business until I’m officially back. Are we clear?”

She laughed again. “Crystal, boss. Now enjoy the rest of your vacation and hopefully we’ll be signing Simon Bennett. My daughter absolutely loves him!”

“Ah, now I know why you’re pushing so hard. Are you sure you don’t want to go up to San Francisco and handle this?”

“Absolutely not! This is too big of a deal for me to handle on my own and I’d hate to have to deal with your wrath if you didn’t like him.”

Now it was his turn to laugh. “My wrath? Since when do I have wrath?”

“Okay, you’re usually a big ol’ marshmallow with me, but still. My judgement can’t be trusted in this instance, so...promise that you’ll really consider going.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah...I’ll run it by Sienna and see what we can do.”

“You’re the best, Mick! Talk to you later!”

Placing the phone down, he sighed before picking up his coffee and taking a long sip.

It might be fun to take Sienna to experience the business part of his world. So far she’d seen him in action where it came to making travel arrangements and getting them into some fairly impressive places, but she hadn’t really seen him do his job quite like this.

As anxious as he was to find out if she was interested, he wanted to get through the rest of the texts and emails before he went and woke her up.

He sent texts, responded to multiple emails, did a little more research on Simon Bennett and actually considered calling Dex Davis, but when he looked at the time and saw it was after ten, he nearly fell out of his chair.

“Shit!” Standing, he walked out of his office and went in search of Sienna.

She wasn’t in the bedroom or the bathroom and it didn’t look like she’d had anything to eat, so...where was she?

Walking out to the deck, he spotted her down on the sand. She was sitting on a blanket with her head tilted up at the sun and she looked so relaxed that he almost hated to disturb her.


He was about to walk down the steps to the beach, but remembered he was only in his robe and figured he should at least put on some clothes.

Five minutes later, in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, he strolled across the sand and quietly sat down beside her.

“Ah...I was wondering how long you were going to stay in your office,” she said without looking at him, and Mick couldn’t tell if she was mad or not.

“Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I woke up early and made the mistake of looking at my emails. I didn’t mean to lose track of time.”

Now she turned her head and smiled at him. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m surprised you’ve stayed off your phone this long. I can’t imagine that your company can run completely on its own without you. Especially since you took off on such short notice.”

“I have a great team and really, most of the stuff they can totally do without me. I was just nosy and wanted to see what was going on. assistant called and asked if we had time to see someone in San Francisco tonight,” he said carefully.

“Oh? Like a band?”

“More like a singer,” he explained. “He’s a solo act, but I think what he needs is a band and a bit of an image makeover.”

She frowned. “Why?”
