Page 48 of One More Chance

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Mick explained Simon’s reality show connection and where his career was currently at. “The show and the record label wanted to make him a pop star, but I think he’s edgier than that. Of course, I won’t know until I check him out and talk to him.”


For a moment, he could only stare. “That’s it? Just...okay? Neither of us is supposed to be working and we had plans for tonight and...”

“Nothing is carved in stone, right? And every once in a while, there’s nothing wrong with changing the itinerary.” She smiled sweetly at him. “You remember the conversation we had about that, don’t you?”

“I do, but...” Damn. How did he explain this? “Look, it’s one thing to switch things up if it’s going to make our travel easier or so we can see more things. But this? This is me taking time away from our vacation to work. Honestly, Sienna, I’m not sure I’m okay with it.”

She shrugged. “Okay. Then we won’t go.” Her head tilted back again and she let out a happy little sigh. “I can’t even remember the last time I sat out in the sun like this. It feels amazing.”

Mick tried to do the same and relax, but...he couldn’t.

“It would probably only be like...two hours tops,” he said conversationally. “We’ll go, listen to his set, and talk to him for a bit. If I’m interested, I’ll just set up an appointment to really sit down with him in a few weeks. You know, no big deal.”

“Sounds good.”

It was ridiculous for him to be annoyed, and yet he was. Maneuvering over her until she was on her back on the blanket and he was braced above her, Mick stared down into her shocked face. “I don’t want you to just casually agree with me, Sienna. I want to know what you’re thinking. I’m going back on a promise to you. Doesn’t that bother you at all?”

Now it was her turn to look annoyed. “You want to know what bothers me? The fact that I’m genuinely okay with this mild change of plans and it’s not good enough for you. If you don’t want to go, then you should be man enough to just say so. Don’t put it all on me so then you have someone to blame.” With a hard shove, she pushed him off of her before getting to her feet. And without even sparing him a glance, she marched back toward the house.

He was a little impressed with how strong she was, and it was probably comical for anyone watching to see him try to scramble to his feet so he could chase after her.

Scooping up the blanket, he jogged to the stairs and took them two at a time to catch up to her on the deck.

“Hey!” he said breathlessly—and refused to acknowledge how out of shape he possibly was. “What the hell was that all about? We were having a conversation!”

“No, you were trying to be mister always does the right thing for everyone and was too afraid to make a decision for yourself! You planned this entire trip without asking anything of me and now you’re tippy-toeing around like you think I’m going to freak out if you have something you need to do! Have I given you any reason to think that I’m that kind of person?”


“No, I haven’t,” she answered for him. “If anything, I’ve been pretty agreeable to everything. I hung out with your friends and their wives and didn’t complain even once! And let me tell you something, buddy, that was a big deal for me! I don’t enjoy hanging out with strangers and feeling like an outsider. But I did it because I knew it was important to you!”

“Okay, but...”

“And going to see some singer tonight? That actually sounded like a lot of fun! And do you know why?”


“Because we’d be doing it together! I never go to concerts anymore and to see one with you and see you acting all like Mick Tyler, band manager? I’d love that! But you were so busy being all wishy-washy that you didn’t really bother to talk to me about it.” And with a huff, she turned and walked into the house and went right for the coffeemaker.

“You’re right,” he said, following her in. “This is all new, Sienna, and I can’t help feeling guilty for wanting to see this kid sing when I’m supposed to be on vacation. This trip was all for you and I kind of feel like a dick for taking any time to do business.” Walking over to her, he rested his hands on her hips and slowly pulled her close. “I’m sorry.”

She looked like she was going to argue a little more, but then her expression softened. “I appreciate how much effort you are putting into this trip for me, but you have to know that I never expected any of it. You’ve gone above and beyond anything I ever could have dreamed of. But you should also know that I’m not selfish and I’m more than willing to do some of the things that you want to do. How awful would it be if this relationship was so one-sided?”

In that moment, Mick swore he couldn’t possibly love her more. How could this beautiful, sexy, and selfless woman truly be his?

Swallowing hard, he reached up and cupped her face. “It would be awful, but you have to know that...I’m scared.” His heart was hammering harder than it ever had before at his admission, and Sienna looked thoroughly shocked.

“I don’t understand,” she said softly. “Scared of what?”

Deciding that now might be a good time for them to have the talk that he’d been dreading, he took her hand and led her over to the sofa.


Keeping her hand in his, he did his best to explain. “I wanted every minute of this trip to be perfect for you. I wanted to hit all the places you wanted to see and do all the things you wanted to do. But I also was afraid to do or say anything that would...I don’t know...either spook you or make you wish you weren’t here with me.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Why didn’t you say anything? We’ve been together for eight days already. Are you telling me you’ve been walking on eggshells all that time?”
