Page 63 of One More Chance

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His smile spoke volumes, she thought. Hugh Shaughnessy was a man in love.

“We’re great,” he said. “I’m taking the red-eye home tonight because I can’t wait to get back to her and the kids.” Pausing, he took a sip of his water. “Connor’s eight and he plays little league, and Devin is four and is the most easygoing child I’ve ever encountered. Aubrey and I say all the time that we’re incredibly blessed. I love those two more than I ever thought possible.” Then he grinned. “Blessed, indeed.”

“And your dad? He’s doing well?”

Hugh chuckled. “He’s fully retired and he and Martha bought an RV like Savannah’s folks have and the two of them have taken to driving around the country. We never know when they’re going to show up, but they’re having a great time. She’s got Zoe running the decorating firm and...” He shook his head. “Let’s just say that life is never boring and leave it at that. So what about the two of you? What comes next?”

Sienna smiled over at Mick and let him talk about their itinerary. Right now, her mind was still spinning thinking about everything Hugh had just shared.

Such a large family, and they were still growing.

And for some reason, that made her incredibly sad again. Not for them—she thought it was wonderful how happy they all seemed—but for herself. She was never going to have that. A houseful of kids who were going to have a dozen cousins to play with. Her entire life had been spent in the pursuit of science and research and education, and while that was a wonderful thing, she was just now truly realizing the cost.

Even if she and Mick found a way to make this relationship last beyond their allotted two weeks, it was too late for so many things.



Swallowing hard, she fought off a wave of nausea at the thought of it because she was suddenly envious of people she didn’t even know. People she was only hearing about through Hugh.

And the millions of people she knew absolutely nothing about, except that they had found a way to have balance in their lives.

At least, in her mind they did.

Mick and Hugh were laughing about something and Sienna forced herself to smile—all the while wondering how a woman who was seemingly so smart could have made so many wrong choices. It was like she didn’t even know herself.

But what she did know was that the life she was leading didn’t make her happy.

I want it all.

It was just a matter of figuring out how to make that happen.

The room was still bathed in darkness when Mick felt Sienna move over him.

He was still mostly asleep, but he felt her body press against him. She was all warm, smooth skin as she kissed her way across his chest and then lower. Lazily, he reached up and anchored a hand in her hair and simply held on.

Eleven days.

They were eleven days into their trip and were leaving Napa in a matter of hours. They had a flight later on this morning, taking them to Anaheim. They’d had more fun than he thought possible, and it was crazy how much he was enjoying playing tourist, but he was enjoying their time alone even more.

It had been hell to keep from talking to her about the future, but he didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on her. More than anything, Mick wanted her to have her full two weeks to relax and enjoy herself.

Sure, they’d skirted around the issue, but patience wasn’t his strong suit and he was desperate for some answers.

“Oh, God, Sienna,” he hissed softly. “That’s so good...” Her mouth was magic, her touch was exquisite, and if he had his way, they’d wake each other up this way every damn day for the rest of their lives.


She knew exactly how to touch him—exactly what to do to make him lose control. In the blink of an eye, he declared that playtime was over and had Sienna pulled up and under him. Her startled gasp was her only reaction before she wrapped those silky limbs around him, pulling him close.

“I thought we were sleeping in a little this morning,” he growled before leaning down and teasing her nipple.

Gasping again, she raked her hands through his hair. “I woke up, and you were so warm and hard, all at the same time... yes, right there!” She let out a low moan. “I couldn’t help myself. Why would I sleep when we could be doing this?”

It was hard to argue with that logic.

“Because we have tickets to Disneyland for later today. How are you going to run around and ride all the rides when I’ve exhausted you?”
