Page 65 of One More Chance

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“What? What did I do now?”

This time when she looked at him, she looked thoroughly annoyed. “I want you to stop throwing money around like that! It’s ridiculous! I appreciate you wanting to do something nice for my friend, but...I can do things for her that are just as meaningful, you know! It’s not up to you to do all this stuff!”

Pulling back slightly, he took a moment to collect his thoughts. “I didn’t think it was a big deal, Sienna. Hugh and I were talking and he mentioned that he has a guy on his staff of his North Carolina coastal resort who goes to Raleigh for him a lot.” He shrugged. “They deal with a wine distributor there a lot and sometimes Hugh doesn’t like to take the trip. It’s only two hours away, but when he’s back home, he prefers to stay close by. So when I told him about the bread and the soup, and how I figured we’d ship some wine, he offered to do it. Then I added a little tip for his employee to pay him for his time. It’s not a big deal.”

“Maybe not to you, but to me it is. I don’t...I don’t live in this world and your wealth’s annoying sometimes. You think things and then you can make them happen. Well, it’s not like that for everyone and I hate that you’re being a more considerate friend to Eleanor than I am!” they were getting someplace.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Sienna,” he said carefully. “I’m actually being extremely inconsiderate to your friend.”

She looked at him in confusion.

“I’ve selfishly kept you here with me for almost two weeks when I know she probably would have appreciated having you there with her. Our trip might have provided her with some entertainment and a distraction, but...sending her a few things is actually easing my guilt. So...I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was upsetting you like this.”

Her head fell back against the seat. “I swear everything’s upsetting me lately. It’s not just you.”

That was new information...

“Sienna, if something’s bothering you...”

He never got to finish because their flight attendant came to tell them they were preparing to land. Mick knew they’d be on the ground in a matter of minutes and was smart enough to know that the moment was gone. Now all he needed to do was distract her with a promise of a fun day. And who knows? Maybe it would be the perfect way to turn her mood around.

“So? Are you ready to be a kid again?” he asked with a big smile.

“Again?” she repeated with a laugh. “I don’t think I was ever truly one.”

“I hate that I have to agree but...everyone’s a big kid when they go to Disneyland. So maybe I should have asked if you’re ready to finally be a kid?”

Fortunately, she smiled. “That definitely seems to fit better. And the answer is yes. I’m glad we thought to wear our comfortable clothes and sneakers rather than having to stop at the hotel. I have a feeling once I see the giant Disneyland sign, I’m going to be too excited and want to run toward Sleeping Beauty’s castle.”

“And I promise I’ll run right beside you.” Just the thought of it made his entire body hurt. Until this trip, Mick swore he was in top physical shape. But he had a feeling he was going to need a vacation to recover from this vacation and multiple deep tissue massages to make him feel normal again.

He thought about booking them a couple’s massage for when they got back to his place, but...he’d put that on the back burner as a possibility. For all he knew, she wasn’t feeling nearly as old as he was.

Right now, she was practically bouncing in her seat.

“Oh, and just so you know,” she said with just a hint of playfulness, “My goal today is to get my picture with Mickey and Minnie.” Then she giggled. “Actually, I’d love to get my picture with all the characters, but those are at the top of my list.”

“Duly noted. I believe there’s some sort of pass we can buy where they upload all of your pictures and then you can look at them when you get home and purchase them online. I can look for it on my phone...”

“You don’t have to do that. I think it’s okay to go into this without a plan.”

He didn’t fully agree, but he’d let her call the shots on this one.

They were on the ground ten minutes later and gathering their things. When Sienna stood up, she reached for him and gave him a fierce hug.

“Not that I’m complaining, but...what was that for?”

“That’s to thank you for today. I already know that I’m going to love every minute of it, and I’m so grateful that you’ve indulged this silly side of me and helped me experience it all.” Her expression grew serious. “I mean it, Michael. I’ve loved every stop on this trip and the time we’ve spent together. You’re amazing.”

“It was my pleasure, Sienna. Believe it or not, I needed this kind of getaway just as much as you.”

“Somehow I doubt that, but...”

“It’s true,” he said gruffly. “And I’ve loved every stop we made and all the time we spent together too.”

She looked at him expectantly and he honestly didn’t know why, but the door to the plane opened and he could see their town car waiting on the tarmac. Hopefully when they got to their hotel room tonight, he could ask her what was on her mind. But for now, they had a theme park to conquer.
