Page 66 of One More Chance

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“Love you, Sienna. I love you.”

He never said it again.

Not after they were done making love, not while they showered together, not on the flight to Anaheim, and not while they were standing at the start of Main Street U.S.A. and she was gushing about how magical of a moment it was. It made her wonder if he’d meant to say it at all, or maybe he was just swept up in the moment.

Which would totally suck.

Hearing Mick say those words this morning had thrilled her, and she wanted to say them back, but she was in the throes of an orgasm and completely distracted. Hell, there was still a small part of her that wondered if she had heard him correctly or had she simply heard what she wanted to hear.

“Love you, Sienna. I love you.”

No, she might have been having a mind-blowing orgasm, but she was an excellent listener and Mick had totally said those words to her. Not, “I love this” or “I love that”, he had said, “I love you.”

And then never said it again or even acknowledged that he said it at all.

And now here they were.

It was hard not to smile at the happiest place on earth, and if she pushed all thoughts of their sexy morning aside, she’d say that she was having a great time.

Even though they had barely gotten through the gates and hadn’t ridden any rides.

All around them people were laughing and smiling and enjoying themselves, and there was so much to see and do that she didn’t want to miss a thing. It was a bit like sensory overload—the music, the sights, the smells...she wanted to experience every little thing.

And maybe at some point, she could nudge Mick into saying those three little words again...

Taking his hand, Sienna pointed excitedly to a photographer. “Oh! Look! We have to get our picture taken, Mick! It would have the castle in the background and everything! I think it’s like a rule or a law that when you come to Disneyland, you have to get a picture standing in front of the castle.”

“A law?” he repeated with a laugh. “Somehow that doesn’t seem like a thing.”

“Are you already trying to be a party-pooper?”

“Me?” he cried. “I have yet to poop on any party for almost two weeks!”

“But you have pooped on parties, right?” she asked before bursting out laughing.

He nodded. “Oh, definitely. You can ask any of the acts that I manage. They’ll all tell you of at least a hundred different times I ruined a party or something for them by being a buzzkill.”

Stepping in front of him, she frowned. “But you’re not going to be like that today, are you?”

“Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I think we should we get ears first and then get our pictures taken.”

Her eyes went wide, and even though she knew he was simply suggesting it because he knew she wanted the full Disney experience and he just seemed to know how to make everything better, she was completely on board. “Why didn’t I think of that? Come on!”

Fifteen minutes later, wearing matching Mickey ears, they posed for pictures. They were laughing, and it was completely silly, and she was loving every minute of it.

After walking through Sleeping Beauty’s castle, they had decided that they were going to ride everything. Or at least try to. Sienna had no idea if she would enjoy riding roller coasters because she’d never been on one before, and Mick promised to hold her hand and if she hated the first one, they could skip all the others. But what she discovered was that she was actually a bit of an adrenaline junkie. After riding Space Mountain and The Matterhorn, she decided that if there was a thrill ride to be had, she wanted to ride it.

It was Mick who was looking a little green around the gills by the time they finished riding The Matterhorn.

So she took him on It’s a Small World and joked how maybe that was more his speed.

“You have a bit of a mean streak, you know that, right?” he said with a pout. “And now this song is going to be stuck in my head all day.”

“Oh, stop. It’s fun! This ride was at the 1964 World’s Fair! Don’t you find that fascinating?”

“Not particularly.”
